100釉下彩陶瓷产品表现了极大的和谐北京« oursolo.net

在产品,瓷器事件的历史记忆,国际大师瓷… …超过120的醴陵陶瓷艺术,在北京5天的展览釉下代表作品,中国美术馆丰富多彩的作品。







有自汉代陶瓷厂,在清末醴陵的优良土壤,湖南的瓷与祝英台“政府创始人熊希龄眼睛光绪xx文化人士”和“湖南瓷业公司”,以改善生产技术和发射技术,创造了一个成功的陶瓷醴陵釉下五-将是着色瓷胎在透明釉,窑覆盖层另一画烧毁五真正成功的彩色陶瓷釉下,醴陵也因此各种代理人作为“中国第二瓷”之称。醴陵瓷器陶瓷釉下高强度,隔音玻璃的强烈程度,以减少五个颜色铅中毒的物质,保护画装饰不会被外面穿100年后,仍然可以辉煌,新的美丽。经过新中国成立后,醴陵釉下五陶瓷成为xxx,xxx和瓷器的国家生活的其他领导人,并经常作为一个国家的仪式,向所有的朋友介绍。 (来源:北京晚报)






领导人醴陵市,湖南省,说:“醴陵釉下以来,在长达一百多年的历史,古代陶瓷名扬天下5醴陵釉下彩陶瓷,不仅赢得了一个里程碑,在中国众多的荣誉,在陶瓷发展史,而且也成为世界上引人注目的艺术。政府舞台,唱戏的陶瓷产品,以帮助世界各地的人们目睹了更好的口味釉下彩和独特的艺术魅力和文化,同时xxx, 2008年,为了纪念诞生115周年,将xxx纪念瓷,xxx的怀旧表现在2008年北京奥运会的奥运礼物奥运会相同的时间价值。艺术和文化无国界,引进,醴陵釉下期望作为中国的历史和丰富多彩的文化代表性的艺术作品,让世界各地分享和谐之美。“

100 underglazed colorful ceramic products show remarkable harmony Beijing

In the history of the products, events of Memory porcelain, porcelain International Master … … More than 120 colorful pieces of Liling underglazed representative works of ceramic art, 5 day exhibition in Beijing, China Art Gallery.

from the Hunan Liling city government organized Liling porcelain金煌Arts, Beijing, Seoul International Cultural Development Co., Ltd. today hosted a “harmonious beauty - Liling underglazed colorful ceramic art exhibition and commemoration of the birth of Mao Zedong in 2008 115 anniversary of the launching ceremony with porcelain “to start in Beijing on the 5th. This is in Liling underglazed five polychrome ware from the last century since the 70s, the first large-scale launch of many pieces of rare porcelain the first time to meet with the public. Journalist

learned from the exhibition, the exhibition a total of more than 120 top-five appearance treasures, including the Royal Xuantong GUANYAO system underglazed colorful peony Fissidens pictus respect, access to Panama in 1915 World Expo’s “lentils double bird bottles “and carry forward the Chinese civilization history of quality, reflected in Liling underglazed colorful ceramic” white as jade, as bright as a mirror, as thin as paper, such as chime sound “characteristics of the process.

Liling underglazed colorful ceramics are underglazed a five-color porcelain, due to some objective reasons, very few living folk history collections, very valuable; at the same time as a result of the technical requirements of high, difficult and quantity of modern products is also very rare, Therefore Liling underglazed five ceramic has been the pursuit of the objectives of collectors.

Hunan Liling陈立耀deputy secretary of municipal party committee said that as the last century the first time since 70s underglazed colorful ceramic art professional exhibition, the exhibition is by far the highest specifications, show the largest and most representative works on display underglazed colorful ceramic art exhibition. At the same time, in 2008 in order to commemorate the 115 anniversary of Chairman Mao’s birthday, will be introduced by Chairman Mao Memorial porcelain.

underglazed this colorful ceramic art exhibition will be the end of November 11.

100 underglazed polychrome ware appeared five hundred years Guangcai China Art Gallery was

11 on 5, “the United States and China Hunan Harmony (Liling) underglazed colorful ceramic art exhibition” would be Liling has more than 100 pieces of colorful art underglazed presented in the China Art Gallery. This is in Liling underglazed five polychrome ware from the last century since the seventies, the first large-scale grand launch. Liling

there since the Eastern Han dynasty ceramics workshop, Guangxu in the late Qing Dynasty famous cultural figures Liling Xiong Xiling eyes on the fine soil, founder of the “government of Hunan Porcelain Lovers” and “Hunan Porcelain Company”, to improve production techniques and firing technology, has created a successful ceramic Liling underglazed five - will be a variety of coloring agents瓷胎another painting in the cover layer of transparent glaze, a kiln to burn the real success of five-colored ceramic underglazed, Liling also therefore known as “China’s second porcelain.” Liling porcelain ceramic underglazed five of high strength, strong degree of glazed glass to reduce color material of lead poisoning, protect the painted decorations will not be worn outside, after a hundred years can still brilliant, beautiful as new. After the founding of new China, Liling underglazed five ceramic become Mao Zedong, Zhou Enlai and other leaders of the country life with porcelain, and often presented as a State ceremony friend to all. (Source: Beijing Evening News)

Liling underglazed colorful ceramic art exhibition show the beauty of harmony

“2008 years of world-renowned Olympic Games be held in Beijing, in 2008 we will celebrate Chairman Mao 115 anniversary of the founding, in such a historic and memorable moments, Hunan Liling city government to join hands金煌Porcelain Arts, Beijing Han this international co-organized this massive ‘Harmony Beauty - Liling underglazed colorful ceramic art exhibition in 2008 and to commemorate 115 anniversary of the birth of Mao Zedong used the kick-off ceremony porcelain ‘, to show’ the peak of the Oriental Ceramic Art ‘, the common witness underglazed colorful glory years. “

2007 on 11 years at 9:00 on the 5th, led by the Government functioning of society “Harmonious beauty - Liling underglazed colorful ceramic art exhibition,” kicked off in Beijing, as the last century the first time since 70s underglazed colorful ceramic art professional exhibitions, The exhibition is by far the highest specifications, show the largest and most representative works on display underglazed colorful ceramic art event exhibition will not only attract a large number of industry experts, collectors, elite from all walks of life to participate and witness the scene, and many news media come riding and to jointly enjoy the most spectacular Chinese ceramics wonderful work!

Events Hosted by this金煌porcelain art relevant responsible person said: this show there are more than 120 top-five appearance treasures, displaying underglazed colorful ceramic art in the history of the boutique, the State Council to display porcelain, events Porcelain Memory of Chairman Mao ceramics, state-level Master of Arts and Crafts masterpiece meticulously five themes, each show will be representative of all major works, including the then Democratic Party Chairman James Soong to Taiwan, the International Olympic Committee president Juan Antonio Samaranch products and others, as well as陈扬龙, Deng arts, Sun, water and other arts and crafts a number of state-level Master’s works fully reflect the colorful ceramic Liling underglazed “white as jade, as bright as a mirror, as thin as paper, such as chime sound” of the process characteristics demonstrate the charm of human art.

this exhibition opening ceremony presided over by well-known presenters DONG Hao. After the opening ceremony, conducted a fascinating Kam goods will be experts. Kam goods at a set of porcelain has become the focus of the President. According to Han Events Hosted by this international related person in charge from 1958 to 1974, Chairman Mao Liling many times for special exclusive tableware, tea sets and other daily use porcelain. This套瓷with production in 1974 are double-sided decorated eggshell bowl, is the President in person designated to create and use to his death dedicated porcelain, contemporary ceramic Liling in Need, but also by industry experts as the 20th century glory Chinese porcelains, Chinese and foreign collectors looking for treasures. In addition to eye-catching, “the President of Porcelain”, the state-level arts and crafts works陈扬龙Master one must also be rated. One called “国色天香” vase is in order to commemorate the tenth anniversary of the return of Hong Kong in 1997, Master陈扬龙elaborate, this “国色天香” will be in China’s flower king - Peony Yong You ronghua temperament show the most, meaning the growing prosperity of the motherland, Hong Kong with each passing day, the expression of the harmonious unity of meaning and beauty. This exhibition of 120 works of experts to win the highly recognized and acclaim! Finally

Leaders Liling City, Hunan Province, said: “Liling underglazed five ceramic名扬天下since ancient times, in the century-long history, Liling underglazed colorful ceramic won numerous honors, not only in China milestone in the history of ceramic development, but also become the world’s eye-catching art. The Government Stage, Singing Opera ceramic products, in order to help people all over the world have witnessed a better taste underglazed colorful and unique artistic charm and culture, at the same time Chairman Mao in 2008 in order to commemorate the 115 anniversary of the birth, will be introduced by Chairman Mao Memorial porcelain, Chairman Mao’s expression of nostalgia, at the same time value of the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games for the Olympic gift. Arts and Culture no national boundaries, expectations underglazed Liling colorful as Chinese history and culture of the representative works of art, so that all over the world to share the beauty of harmony. “(07-12-7)

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