

2010-06-08 08:44:49 阅读8 评论0 字号:

近年来,中国经挤高速稳定的发展,使国家处在工业化的中期。一方面显示对装备机械的旺盛需求;提出了振兴装备制造业的战略目标。另一方面,在国力增强的同时,提出建没“资源节约型、坏保型社会”的埋念:作为制定“十一五”规划的主要依据。为此,必须全面落实科学发展观,依靠科技进步,通过经济结构调整、企业整合、扩大经营规模,使国民经济获得深层次发展,在“十一五”规划纲要中,明确提出…… 一、支持煤化工产业发展。开发煤基液体燃料,有序推进煤炭液化示范工程建设,促进煤炭探度加速转化、发展大型煤化工成套设备、煤炭液化、秸杆汽化和煤制烯烃等设备,促使煤化工产业进人规范发展的轨道。 二、振兴装备制造业。重点发展大型抽水蓄能发电机组、百万千瓦核电机组、新型发电技术装备、超临界燃气一蒸汽联合循环发电设备、百万吨级大型乙烯成套设备、石油天然气长输管线和500万亡级煤制油成套设备等 阀门作为一个流体输送的组件,随着国民经济,特别是国家煤化工产业和装备制造业的发展。液一固二相流中,对阀门提出新的要求:高温、高压、耐磨、耐腐蚀、耐冲刷、抗热循环和零泄漏。这样,金属密封球阀将获得快速发展。 有77.3家产值500万元以上的阀门制造厂,约占全国阀门总产值的70%。根据中国阀协统汁,2005年773家企业的年销售总额为259.35亿元,可推定2005全国阀门产值为361.44亿元。并对20余位资探专家进行访问,按照他们预测2010年中国阀门年销售总额为67.36亿元。 对中国海关统计,2005年阀门出口总额为7.60亿美元。预测2010年阀门出口总额为20.09亿美元。7005午,进口总额22.59亿美元。预测2010年阀门进口总额为36.32亿美元。中国国家统计局统计2005年国内对阀门的总需求量为61.69亿美元(国内销售收人+进口额-出口额)。预测2010年阀门的总需求量为114.60亿美元。 2005年,球阀的需求量约为总需求量的20%,即12.33亿美元,2010年预计占总需求量23%,即25.20亿美元。其中金属密封球阀需求量按球阀需求量10%估算,2005年约9.6亿元,2010年预计增长至年需求量19.6亿元。 阀门行业是我们通用机械重要分支。其产品做为流体控制的关键设备广泛用于石油、化工、冶金、电力、城建、环保等行业。当前,阀门生产行业正处于一个非常有利的发展时机, (1)经济持续发展。固定资产投资逐步扩大。尤其是几项世纪工程“西气东输”“西电东送”“南水北调”等项目的开工需要大量的阀门产品配套; (2)随着WTO的加入,国际贸易门坎降低以及发达国家调整产品结构,中国正逐渐成为世界上{zd0}的加工厂这一趋势的显现,阀门产品的加工制作面临更大的发展空间。 那么如何抓住这一战略机遇,加快阀门行业的发展。业内专业人士从以下几个方面作了分析: 一、积极推进企业间的联合重组,尽快打造一批有规模上档次的企业集团。 阀门行业目前生产企业约有5000多家,年销售收入超过5千万的仅有7家,超过一个亿的3家,2亿元以上的企业一家没有。国内市场占有率也只有中核苏阀一家企业超过2%其余均在1%以下。这种企业规模难以在市场上产生震憾力,与同行业国际xxxx的竞争就更加困难。要尽快改变这种现状,除了企业自身生长因素外,xxx的方法就是通过企业间的联合、兼并、重组来实现企业的资本扩张从而进一步扩大市场占有,在竞争中立于不败。这是当今国际经济领域比较流行的做法,也是今后一个时期阀门行业发展的方向性问题。在这一问题上要解放思想,按照十六大提出的“改革要有新突破,发展要有新思路”的要求打破地区界线,打破所有制界线,打破传统的专业分工界线。企业间只要有联合的可能就可以大胆去做去尝试,用3-5年的时间力争打造出若干产值超过5亿乃至10亿元的企业集团。 二、要重视产品结构的调整,勇于技术创新,研制开发高附加值及国际{lx1}水平产品。 我国阀门行业目前已经能生产十几大类产品。如闸阀、截止阀、球阀、蝶阀、安全阀、止回阀、节流阀、旋塞阀、减压阀、隔膜阀、疏水阀、紧急切断阀等,{zg}使用温度570℃,{zd1}-196℃、{zg}压力600MPa,{zd0}通径5350MM。尽管这些产品有力支援了国内经济建设,但是应该清醒看到我们的产品大都属于一般技术含量或劳动密集型产品,很少具有国际{lx1}水平。最近西气东输主管线招标,我们阀门企业全部落败就是一个令人遗憾的事实。痛定思痛。民族工业要振兴阀门行业要发展就一定要实施技术创新,调整产品结构,要勇于研制开发技术含量高、劳动附加值高具有国际{lx1}水平的阀门产品如控制阀门和自动阀门类的调节阀,三通合流阔、三通分流阀,安全阀;球阀类的金属硬密封全焊接,高参数大口径阀;以及电站超临界C12-A合金钢阀门。实施技术创新研究开发新产品有几条路,一是通过和院校科研机构合作,如最近开封高压阀门厂和中科院下属的“三维”公司合作开发的电站锅炉主蒸气调节阀就是具有国际{lx1}水平的产品,其“压力降”大大低于国际标准,在电站行业具有非常前景;二是国外合作或技术引进的形式,自贡高压阀门有限公司与意大利辛比伦公司的合作就缩短了我们在球阀产品上与国外的差距。除了上述做法,有条件的企业可以独立研制开发。 三、实施多元化销售战略,努力开辟国际市场,扩大产品出口。 据中国阀门协会统计资料显示,目前我们阀门行业生产能力严重过剩,约有40%的生产能力放空,面对如此巨大的生产能力过剩,xxx的方法就是推行多元化销售战略,大力开拓国际市场。当前国际市场每年大概出口阀门60-70个亿,中国年出口1.5个亿,不足2%分额,这里边潜力很大。开辟国际市场首先要注重外贸人才的培养,有一批会经营懂外语的外贸专业人才;其次要学会利用互联网和信息技术,广交客户捕捉商机;第三可以和国内一些外贸公司合作用其渠道扩大出口;第四有条件的企业可以在境外设点销售或开办工厂。这几年山东益都阀门厂和苏州526厂都较好地实现了市场多元化。出口产品比重大幅度增加,缓解了国内订货不足的矛盾。开辟国际市场还要注重发挥我们自身的优势,选准出口产品,当前主要在通用阀门这类劳动密集型产品的出口上,此外毛胚铸件半成品出口前景也很好。 四、提高企业管理水平,实施管理创新,深化企业改革,实施体制创新我国目前阀门行业正处于新一轮的交替与重组时期。 国有企业所占比重逐年下滑,民营、三资企业迅猛发展。据不完整的资料估计;我国现阶段阀门行业资产比重,民营占40%,国有30%,其余为三资、军工类企业占有,预计今后几年民营和三资企业所占份额会进一步扩大。现温州地区民营企业发展很快,且相当一部分企业具有一定规模和实力,如伯特利、永一、浙江维都利等企业。当前行业国企由于历史原因大都包袱沉重、机制不活、经营困难,但许多企业仍具设备、人才、技术、品牌等优势;要通过深化改革、制度创新来解决眼前的困难,充分盘活存量资产,实现产权多元化,建立现代企业制度。对于发展迅猛的民营企业,尽管不存在机制上的缺憾和历史包袱,但其发展过程要注重企业管理水平的提高,实施管理创新,避免落入“家族式”和“家长式”的管理俗套。总之,阀门行业是充满希望的。

“ 2010 Forecast of domestic valve industry, large scale enterprises ”是由提供的阀门行业新闻,译文仅供参考。另外,中国电动阀门网还提供相关产品搜索: 、 、、 、 等。

In recent years, squeezed by high and stable development, industrialization of the country in mid-term. On the one hand show strong demand for machinery and equipment; put forward the strategic goal of revitalizing the equipment manufacturing industry. On the other hand, while the national increase, proposed the construction did not "resource-saving, bad protection society" in the buried idea: formulate the "Eleventh Five-Year Plan" the main basis. Therefore, we must comprehensively implement the scientific concept of development, relying on technological progress, through economic restructuring, business integration, expansion, access to in-depth development of the national economy, in the "Eleventh Five-Year Plan", the clearly ... ... First, to support the development of coal chemical industry. Development of coal-based liquid fuels, coal liquefaction orderly demonstration projects to promote the degree of accelerated conversion of coal exploration, the development of large coal-chemical equipment, coal liquefaction, straw gasification and coal-to-olefins and other equipment to promote coal-chemical industry into the normal development track. Second, the revitalization of the equipment manufacturing industry. Focus on developing large-scale pumped storage units, one million kilowatts of nuclear power units, new power generation technology and equipment, a supercritical steam combined cycle gas power generation equipment, megaton large ethylene equipment, oil and natural gas transmission pipelines and five million long dead-level CTL equipment, etc. As a fluid transfer valve components, with the national economy, particularly in the national coal chemical industry and equipment manufacturing industries. Liquid-solid two-phase flow, new demands on the valves: high temperature, high pressure, abrasion, corrosion and erosion, thermal cycle and zero leakage. In this way, metal sealing ball valve will be rapid development. A 77.3 output value 500 million over the valve manufacturer, valve output accounting for about 70%. According to the Chinese Valve Association statistics, in 2005, 773 enterprises amounted to 25.935 billion yuan annual sales, the valve can be presumed to 2005 output value of 36.144 billion yuan nationwide. And funding exploration over 20 experts to visit China in 2010 in accordance with their valves to 6.736 billion yuan in total sales. China's customs statistics, total exports in 2005 valve 7.60 billion. Valve in 2010 exports amounted to 2.009 billion U.S. dollars. 7005 afternoon, the total amount of 2.259 billion U.S. dollars of imports. Valve in 2010 amounted to 3.632 billion U.S. dollars of imports. China's National Bureau of Statistics in 2005 the total domestic demand for valve 6.169 billion U.S. dollars (domestic sales + imports - exports). Valve in 2010 the total demand for 11.46 billion U.S. dollars. In 2005, the demand valve is about 20% of total demand, that is 1.233 billion U.S. dollars, the total demand in 2010 is expected to 23%, or 2.52 billion U.S. dollars. Demand for metal sealing ball valve demand by 10% estimate, about 960 million yuan in 2005, 2010, the annual demand expected to grow to 1.96 billion yuan. Valve industry is an important branch of our general machinery. Their products as the key to fluid control devices are widely used in petroleum, chemical, metallurgy, electric power, urban construction and environmental protection industries. At present, the valve manufacturing industry is in a very favorable development opportunity (1) sustainable economic development. Investment in fixed assets gradually expanded. In particular the works of several centuries, "natural gas" "West to East", "South" and started the project requires a lot of valve products matching; (2) With the accession of WTO, international trade, lower the threshold and developed countries to adjust product structure, China is becoming the world's largest plant of this trend appeared manufacture valve products face even greater space for development. So how to seize the strategic opportunity to accelerate the valve industry. Industry professionals were analyzed from the following aspects: First, actively promote the consolidation and reorganization among enterprises, as soon as possible to create a group of grade scale enterprise group. Valve industry currently produces about 5,000 companies with annual sales income over 5 million in just seven, more than one million three, 200 million yuan more than the business one does not. Domestic market share of only one enterprise of nuclear Su valve more than 2% the rest were below 1%. This enterprise scale is difficult to produce in the market shock force, and internationally known companies with the competitive industry even more difficult. To change this situation as soon as possible, growth factors, in addition to the enterprises themselves, the most effective way is through the joint between enterprises, mergers, and restructuring to achieve corporate expansion capital to further expand market share, in the competition invincible. This is more popular in today's international economic practices, but also the future direction of development of the industry during the valve problem. To emancipate the mind on this issue, in accordance with the loudly proposes "new breakthroughs in reform, development of new thinking" demands to break the district boundaries, to break the boundaries of ownership, to break the boundaries of the traditional division of labor. As long as there are joint enterprises may be bold to try to do, try to use 3-5 years to build a production value of more than 500 million and even some 1 billion yuan of enterprise groups. Second, we must attach importance to the adjustment of product structure, bold innovation, research and development of high value-added products and international leading level. China's valve industry is now capable of producing more than a dozen categories of products. Such as gate valve, globe valve, ball valve, butterfly valve, safety valve, check valve, throttle valve, plug valve, pressure reducing valve, diaphragm valves, steam traps, emergency shut-off valve, the maximum use temperature of 570 ℃, the lowest - 196 ℃, the highest pressure 600MPa, the maximum diameter 5350MM. Despite the strong support of these products in domestic economic construction, but should be clear that most of our products are generally technical content or labor-intensive products, few have the international advanced level. Recent natural gas charge line bidding, and we all lost the valve business is a regrettable fact. Recalling the painful experience. National industry to revitalize the valve industry in the development of technological innovation will certainly be implemented, the adjustment of product structure, we must dare to high technology research and development, working with the international advanced level and high added value products such as valves control valves and automatic valves class control valve, three broad confluence, three shunt valve, safety valve; ball type metal seal all welded, large diameter valves high parameter; and supercritical C12-A power plant steel valves. The implementation of technology innovation research and development of new products a couple of choices, one through, and academic research institutions, such as the recent Chinese Academy of Sciences of Kaifeng High Pressure Valve Plant and subordinates, "D" company to develop the power plant boiler main steam valve is an international leader in level of product, its "pressure drop" much lower than international standards, in the power plant industry has a very prospects; Second, foreign cooperation or technology transfer in the form of Zigong High Pressure Valve Co., the company's cooperation with the Italian Xin Bilun to shorten our ball valve products in the gap with foreign countries. In addition to these practices, qualified enterprises can be developed independently. Third, the implementation of diversified marketing strategy to open up international markets to expand exports. According to statistics of China Valve Association, we are now excess capacity in the valve industry, about 40% of the capacity of short sale, the face of such huge excess capacity, the most effective way is to implement diversified marketing strategy to vigorously explore international market. The international market every year about 60-70 billion in export valve, China exports 1.5 million, less than 2% share, there is great potential side. First of all, open up international markets to focus on foreign talent, a group of foreign trade and business operations to understand a foreign language professionals; Second, we must learn to use the Internet and information technology, make the customer to capture business opportunities; third can use some domestic foreign trade companies to expand their channel exports; fourth qualified enterprises can be sold or offered outside the factory set point. In recent years, and Suzhou Valve Factory of Shandong Yidu 526 plants have better achieved the market diversification. A significant increase in the proportion of export products to alleviate the problem of insufficient domestic orders. Open up international market but also to pay attention to our own advantage, selecting the right products for export and present the main valve in the general exports of such labor-intensive products, in addition to semi-rough castings are good export prospects. Fourth, improve enterprise management, implementation and management of innovation, deepen reforms, the implementation of institutional innovation is in the valve industry in China now a new round of alternation and the reorganization period. Declining year by year the proportion of state-owned enterprises, private, foreign-funded enterprises developed rapidly. According to incomplete data estimation; valve industry in China at this stage the proportion of assets, private 40% owned 30%, the rest is funded, military class enterprise share is expected to run the next few years and foreign-funded enterprises will further expand the share of . Of private enterprises are developing rapidly, and the considerable number of enterprises with certain scale and strength, such as Bethel, John 1, all profits and other enterprises of Zhejiang dimension. Due to historical reasons the current industry state-owned enterprises most of the heavy burden, mechanisms, and operational difficulties, many companies remain in equipment, personnel, technology, brand and other advantages; we should deepen reform, institutional innovation to address the immediate difficulties, the full-scale restructuring realize the diversification of property rights, establishing a modern enterprise system. The rapid development of private enterprise, although there is no mechanism for the defect and the historical burden, but its development process to focus on raising the level of enterprise management, implementation and management of innovation, to avoid falling into the "family" and "paternalistic" management cliche. In short, the valve industry is full of hope.

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