


商业地产对全球经济影响日益重要,而写字楼的需求不振,世界商业热点的租金已经下降。最近,Cushman & Wakefield发布了其年底“世界各地写字楼状况”的报告,对过去公司写字楼租金变化进行了调查。在受调查的131个城市,发现86%商业中心的租金在下降,9%在上升,5%保持稳定。这些地方平均下降幅度为10%,而去年同期的调查是比前年升高了3%。





10. 瑞士苏黎世

年费用: $891/平方米
年租金(不包括其它管理费和税收): $84.24/平方英尺



9. 意大利米兰

年费用: $900/平方米
年租金(不包括其它管理费和税收): $82.49/平方英尺




8. 法国巴黎

年费用: $1,032/平方米
年租金(不包括其它管理费和税收): $93.14/平方英尺


Paris remains France's most expensive rental city despite being the only area to see a year-over-year decline through 2009, slipping 10%, according to Cushman & Wakefield. Places like Lyon, Marseilles and Paris La Defense all saw their prices remain steady, with no year-over-year change. This was a result of prices experiencing less-dramatic declines than were first expected and a positive outlook going into 2010.



7. Moscow, Russia

Annual Occupancy Cost: $1,036/sq meter
Annual Rent Cost: $76.51/sq ft

Cushman & Wakefield found that the first half of 2009 was the most "turbulent" for Russian office rents, while prices stabilized in the second half of the year despite a "fundamentally weak" market, as the country expects low activity and building projects reaching completion in 2010.



6. New York, USA

Annual Occupancy Cost: $1,061/sq meter
Annual Rent Cost: $104.69/sq ft
(Numbers represent Midtown Manhattan)

The report found that corporate rental levels across the country slid as occupier demand slowed and supply levels increased. However, in places like Washington DC, growing demand from the public sector helped bolster demand, according to Cushman & Wakefield. Despite a 4% drop in prices in Midtown Manhattan (and a 23% drop Downtown), New York jumped to 6th most expensive from the 8th spot in 2009.



5. Mumbai, India

Annual Occupancy Cost: $1,092/sq meter
Annual Rent Cost: $95.08/sq ft

Citing the slowdown during the global recession, the report notes that most companies operating in India either postponed or cancelled plans for expansion, causing a drop in corporate demand. Rental values in the country as a whole dropped by around 20%, with Mumbai experiencing a 25% decline in prices.



4. Dubai, UAE

Annual Occupancy Cost: $1,213/sq meter
Annual Rent Cost: $115.69/sq ft

Dubai is experiencing an oversupply of office space, according to Cushman & Wakefield, and as a result of this falling demand, rental levels slid 35% year over year. Dubai's neighbor, Abu Dhabi, also saw demand fall along with prices, although to a lesser degree of 7% year over year.



3. Hong Kong, China

Annual Occupancy Cost: $1,629/sq meter
Annual Rent Cost: $142/sq ft

The report notes that the Hong Kong office market has remained active, despite a 35% annual decline in prices for "Grade A" space. This demand was fueled by companies in the financial sector, who were looking to consolidate their operations to less expensive locations, which caused increased activity in Hong Kong's Central and Kowloon East sub-markets.



2. London, UK

Annual Occupancy Cost: $1,647/sq meter
Annual Rent Cost: $119.40/sq ft
(Numbers represent London's West End)

In the UK, the first half of 2009 saw weaker occupier demand and an increased availability of sub-let opportunities due to declining rents. However, Cushman & Wakefield's report found that demand stabilized in certain areas of Central London, with rents rising in the fourth quarter. It is expected that prices for premium space will experience a "bounce" due to limited space for development.



1. Tokyo, Japan

Annual Occupancy Cost: $1,945/sq meter
Annual Rent Cost: $163.90/sq ft

Businesses that are located in prime rental spots in Tokyo pay the world's highest premiums for this luxury. With a 21% decline in rental prices, many cost-minded corporations focused on renegotiating their leases in order to reduce their operating costs. The report has also found that cost constraints continue to drive occupier demand, along with landlord incentive packages which offer things like increases in lease length.

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