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船用汽轮循环泵主要由汽轮机、减速器和循环泵三大部件组成。汽轮机联带减速器驱动循环水泵工作,将船外的海水吸入主冷凝器和主机滑油冷却器使工质冷却。另外,当机炉舱破损漏水时,该泵作为应急排水泵,将船舱内的积水排出船外。 汽轮机由转子和壳体组成,转子安装有叶片、减速器小齿轮及向各轴承提供润滑油的齿轮油泵等部件。壳体上装有喷嘴箱、速关阀、{dy}辅助阀、第二辅助阀、隔板、汽轮机密封装置、支持轴承和止推轴承等。 减速器亦由转子和壳体组成,转子安装有减速器大齿轮、测速装置、支持轴承和止推轴承等部件。壳体还安装有滑油冷却器等部件。 循环泵仍由转子和壳体组成,转子上安装有泵轮(即工作轮)、橡胶支持轴承等部件。为了检修方便,壳体由两半组成,垂直中分面用螺栓固定,壳体包括泵壳、{dy}半导向器、第二半导向器、泵盖、进水部分等部件。 2 改进设计的提出 2.1 原汽轮循环泵的汽轮机调速由速关阀控制一个喷嘴,{dy}辅助阀控制两个喷嘴,通过这两阀可以完成泵的各运行工况。第二辅助阀控制三个喷嘴,用于超负荷或当汽轮机蒸汽参数降低时打开使用,也可将它作为备用阀。由于上述三阀都是手动阀,因而不仅工作量大,而且还难以实现自动控制。为了解决该问题,将速关阀改为自控阀,增加调节阀的作用,另两阀不改。经过运行发现该项措施仍存在两个问题:一是速关阀口径较大,在小开度状态下,很容易自动关死;二是对阀门的控制较分散,当船在倒车时,要手动开启一个辅助阀进行控制,这样就不能xx实现正、倒车的自动控制,所以还需要再进一步改进。 2.2 原泵上的冷油器换热管容易破损,在接头处易脱开。 2.3 原循环泵的两个滑动轴承为橡胶轴承。由于加工工艺落后,橡胶与铜铸件粘接性能差,制造中成品率极低,这需要改进设计。 2.4 原汽轮机上端支持轴承存在供油量不足的情况,供油性能有待在改进设计中得到改善。 2.5 根据设备研制任务书所述:该泵在轴系转速为260r/min时,发现一横向振动共振峰值,而在其转速下,同时发现泵轴振动较强烈,使该泵难以正常工作,这需要在改进设计中找出原因,予以解决。 2.6 为提高运行性能,增加了电动油泵,在机组启动时和停机后使用。 2.7 另外,对某些部件的加工工艺需要改进,以进一步提高汽轮循环泵的运行性能。 3 改进设计 3.1 电动调节阀的改进设计 首先改进设计了喷嘴箱,使原速关阀不再直接控制喷嘴,只起主汽阀和速关阀的作用,它能手动开关和自动、手动速关,取消了其调速功能;原速关阀控制的一个喷嘴和{dy}辅助阀控制的两个喷嘴由新设计的电动调节阀控制。原第二辅助阀仍然保留,称为辅助阀,作用不变。 新设计的电动调节阀由电动执行机构驱动,通过变速齿轮减速,由大小阀组合的阀门的阀杆作水平方向移动,使阀门开闭,起到调节汽轮机的进汽量的作用。在小开度进汽时,小阀优越的调控能力得以充分发挥。电动执行机构设有就地手轮,可以就地手动控制电动调节阀,还设有电控箱,可以远距离电控电动调节阀,也可以通过集控室的微机对电动调节阀进行自动控制。该电动调节阀的调控功能可xx满足主汽轮机组正、倒车各工况的要求,因此汽轮循环泵实现了启动、运行和停机的自动化。 3.2 冷油器换热管问题的解决 首先对冷油器换热管容易破损的原因进行了分析,认为主要原因是由于B30管在生产加工、安装过程及运输过程中与其它零部件磨擦、撞击、碰伤,在安装后运行中与海水长期接触,海水的污染物会滞留在被损伤的凹痕里,在海水的作用下形成电化学腐蚀,使B30管的损伤处越来越薄,以至{zh1}破裂。因此制订了具体要求,即要求制造厂按技术要求进行生产、安装和运输,尽量避免此类事情发生。 冷油器换热管的接头易脱开,经分析是胀管的质量问题。经大量严格的试验及计算将胀管力控制在一定的范围内,使胀管既能做到密封,又不使接头处脱开,使管子保持在原强度范围内,不致胀裂。 3.3 橡胶轴承问题的解决 原泵橡胶轴瓦的铜铸件采用普通浇铸,容易产生缺陷,合格率低;橡胶与铜铸件的粘接技术不过关,容易产生橡胶在铜铸件上的剥离,在产品检查时,合格率低于50%。改进后铜铸件采用离心浇铸,铸件的晶粒细,排列紧密,所有铸件均一次铸浇合格,因此,提高了铸件质量。橡胶与铜铸件的粘接也采用现代工艺配方及科学有效的生产管理,生产橡胶轴瓦的合格率提高到90%以上。 原下端橡胶轴瓦水室的半径为R3,现改为R8,冷却水通流面积增加1.4167倍;原上端橡胶轴瓦水室半径为R5,现改为R10,冷却水通流面积增加1.28倍,这样使橡胶轴瓦有更多的冷却水进行冷却、润滑,避免被轴粘牢。 3.4 润滑油供应不足问题的解决 对齿轮油泵的供油量及各轴承和齿轮传动的耗油量逐项进行了计算,计算结果表明齿轮油泵的供油量正常。汽轮机上端轴承由于供油量不足而使轴承油温偏高,是因轴承离油泵较远,油管的通流面积偏小,导致管路损失增加所造成的,因此将上端轴承供油油管的直径由Φ16改为Φ19。在试航中,上端轴承油温始终处于正常范围内。 3.5 振动问题的解决 经计算,汽轮机转子的一阶临界转速是13553r/min,临界转速的裕度是78.3%;循环泵转子的一阶临界转速是3029r/min,一阶临界转速与{zg}工作转速之比是3.833。通过计算表明:汽轮循环泵转子的临界转速远高于其{zg}工作转速。由此说明:原泵轴系在转速为260r/min时有一横向振动共振峰值不是机组本身固有的共振频率,而是由于机组的基础不牢固或基础刚性不够所造成的。试车台试车时实测,当循环泵转速在250~300r/min时,机组振动值是0.03mm。在试车台试车期间,2台汽轮循环泵在各工况点均未出现共振现象。在试航时,左舷汽轮循环泵在工作区没出现共振点,而右舷汽轮循环泵,转速约为320~330r/min时,机组出现共振点,原因就是此台机组基础的刚性较差。解决的方法是:加强右舷汽轮循环泵基础的刚性,或工作时尽量避开在该转速下运行。 对循环泵转子、减速器转子、汽轮机转子提高或增加了动平衡试验要求。原泵设计要求只对循环泵转子上的工作轮做静平衡试验,转子不做动、静平衡试验,改进设计后不仅要求工作轮做静平衡试验而且要求整个循环泵转子(包括工作轮及其它附件)做静平衡试验和动平衡试验。试验结果显示循环泵转子的不平衡量较大,这会造成机组较大的,不必要的振动。原泵对减速器转子只要求做静平衡试验,新的改进设计要求增加动平衡试验,结果证明此试验非常必要。对汽轮机转子动平衡试验允许不平衡量按现行标准进行计算,要求比原设计有很大提高,从34g/cm改为18.23g/cm。 通过对三个转子进行动平衡试验,使汽轮循环泵整个机组的振动、噪音明显降低。 3.6 增设电动油泵 过去汽轮循环泵在启动时和停机时,都用人力手摇油泵给各需要润滑的部件供油,此操作劳动强度较大。现设计了一套电动油泵代替原手摇油泵,而原手摇油泵依然保留,作为电动油泵的备用油泵,这就大幅度降低了船员的体力劳动强度,深受工人和船员的欢迎。 3.7 改进工艺提高产品质量 3.7.1 对减速器的齿轮提出加工精度要求 原减速器齿轮没有加工精度等级要求,改进设计时,根据国家标准和哈汽厂现有的加工水平和能力,提出了减速器齿轮的加工精度要求。 原泵为了达到减速器齿轮啮合接触斑点的要求是通过特制的对研台的对研来实现的,在改进设计中发现对研台上的接触斑点与机组实际的接触斑点不一定重合,是不真实的,因此将一对啮合齿轮在机组上啮合,根据啮合情况对齿轮进行配滚配磨,几次配滚配磨、啮合后的接触斑点才是真实的,是真正在机组上的接触斑点,这样加工就保证了齿轮的加工精度。 通过以上措施,陆试和航试中运行是平稳的,噪音和振动显著下降,因此说明该项设计要求是正确可行的。 3.7.2 提高循环泵二橡胶轴瓦瓦窝的加工精度 循环泵上部橡胶轴瓦是安装在循环泵泵壳上部,下部橡胶轴瓦安装在{dy}、第二半导向器上,{dy}、第二半导向器安装在循环泵壳的下部。改进前泵壳和{dy}、第二半导向器是分别加工的,因此循环泵二橡胶轴瓦瓦窝中心线容易产生误差,精度难以保证,循环泵轴与二橡胶轴瓦的间隙不均匀,容易产生泵轴径向不对称偏移,增加橡胶轴瓦和轴的磨损或产生粘牢现象。 改进设计中,重新设计了泵壳膛孔图,要求先膛泵壳下部各孔及倒角和端面,然后不下机床,把加工完外圆的{dy}、第二半导向器和轴承盖装上,继续镗其余各孔和端面,包括上、下橡胶轴瓦的瓦窝,这样就保证了上、下二橡胶轴瓦的中心线在同一轴线上,确保了实现图纸的设计要求。 在安装循环泵时,二橡胶轴瓦对中一次成功,不必再多次刮瓦窝找中,既节约了安装时间,又减轻了工人的劳动强度。 汽轮循环泵的减速器轴和循环泵轴是用螺栓刚性连接,在连接时用千分表在各点测量,靠刮轴的端面来达到对中的要求,非常费时而且麻烦。改进设计时,在循环泵轴一端车出一个3mm的凸台,在减速器轴一端车出一个3mm的凹台阶,二连接端面相对中心线都有垂直度要求,在两轴连接时,以二凹凸台为基准,对中非常容易,可以做到对中一次成功。 3.7.3 循环泵工作轮采用数控机床加工 循环泵工作轮是螺桨式的泵轮,叶片型线较复杂,原泵轮靠手工一点点用砂轮来磨,劳动强度大,工作环境差,费时费力,加工精度不易保证。这次采用数控机床进行工作轮粗加工和精加工,{zh1}使用人工用砂轮、砂纸磨削达到{zh1}尺寸和光洁度,这样既省时又省力,精度xx满足要求。 4 结束语 汽轮循环泵通过试车台全负荷试车,全船的试航和近一年的航行运行,运行情况良好,xx符合规格书的要求,某些指标甚至高于规格书的要求。此改进设计达到了预期的效果。

“ Improvement of Marine Steam Turbine Circulating Pump Design ”是由提供的国际水泵新闻,译文仅供参考。另外,中国化工泵网还提供相关产品搜索:、、、、等。

Marine Steam Turbine Circulating pumps by the turbine, and circulation pump reducer three parts. Steam turbine-driven circulating pump in conjunction with the work of reducer will ship outside the main condenser water inhalation and host the oil cooler to cool refrigerant. In addition, when the boiler tank leaks damaged, the pump as emergency drainage pump, the cabin of the water discharged overboard. Shell formed by the rotor and turbine rotor blades installed, small gear reducer and to provide lubricant to the bearings and other parts of gear pumps. The shell is equipped with a nozzle box, quick closing valves, the first auxiliary valve, the second auxiliary valve, diaphragm, turbine seals, support bearings and thrust bearings. Reducer from the rotor and the housing component, the rotor installed Gears, speed installation, support bearings and thrust bearings and other components. Shell also installed the oil cooler and other components. Still circulating pump rotor and housing composition, the rotor is installed on the pump wheel (ie job rotation), rubber support bearings and other components. For easy maintenance, the shell formed by two and a half, carved face vertical fixed with bolts, the shell including the pump casing, the first semi-guide, the second half guide, pump cover, some water and other components. Improved design of the proposed 2 2.1 The original Steam Turbine Circulating pump steam turbine speed control by the quick closing valve to control a nozzle, the first auxiliary valve control two nozzles, valves can be done by two different pump operating conditions. The second auxiliary valve control of the three nozzles for the steam turbine parameters overload or when lower open when used as a backup can also be valve. As the three valves are manual valves, which is not only a heavy workload, but also difficult to control. To address this problem, quick closing valves to automatic control valve, control valve to increase the role of the other two valves do not change. After running the measure found that there are still two problems: first, quick closing valve diameter larger opening in the small state, it is easy to automatically shut; the second is a more decentralized control valve, when the boat in reverse, To manually open a secondary control valve, so that is not fully realized, reversing the automatic control, it needs further improvement. 2.2 The original Pump Oil Cooler Tube easily broken, easily torn off at the joints. 2.3 The two primary circulating pump for the rubber bearings sliding bearings. As the backward processing, rubber and adhesive properties of copper pieces of poor manufacturing yield is very low, we need to improve the design. 2.4 The existence of the original steam turbine top of the support bearing the shortage of oil supply, oil supply in improving design performance to be improved. 2.5 Development of tasks depending on the device described in the book: that the pump shaft speed 260r/min, we found a lateral vibration resonance peak, and in its speed range, also found that the shaft vibration more strongly, making it difficult to work the pump, which need to identify the causes to improve design, to be addressed. 2.6 To improve operating performance, increased electric pump, start and stop the unit before use. 2.7 In addition, some components need to improve the processing technology to further enhance the operating performance of Turbo-circulation pump. Improved Design of 3 3.1 Improved design of electric control valve First of all, improved design of the nozzle box, to allow quick closing valves are no longer directly control the nozzle, only from the main steam valve and the quick closing valve function, it can manual switch and automatic, manual quick closing, canceled its timing functions; the original speed off valve control of a nozzle and the first auxiliary valve control of the two nozzles designed by the new electric control valve. Retain the original second auxiliary valve, known as auxiliary valve, the same effect. The new design of electric control valve driven by the electric actuator, through the change gear reducer, the size of the valve combination of the valve stem for horizontal movement of the valve opening and closing, can modulate the steam turbine into the role. In the small opening into the steam, the small valve superior control capabilities into full play. Actuator with local hand wheel, you can manually control the electric valve in situ, also has electronic control box can be remote-controlled electric power control valve, control room can also set the computer to the electric control valve for automatic control. The regulation of electric valve function fully meet the main turbine is, reversing the requirements of each condition, the circulation pump and steam turbine startup, operation and shutdown automatic. 3.2 Oil Cooler Tube solution to the problem First of all, easy on the damaged oil cooler because heat exchange is analyzed that the main reason is due to B30 control in production, processing, and transportation during the installation process with the other components of friction, impact, bumps, after installation, operation and water long-term exposure, water pollutants will remain in the dent by injury, the role of water formed in the electrochemical corrosion, so the damage was coming B30 thin tube, and finally rupture. Therefore developed a specific request, that factory production in accordance with technical requirements, installation and transportation, as far as possible to avoid such incidents. Oil Cooler Tube connector easily torn off by the quality of analysis is Expanding. The large number of rigorous tests and calculations to Expanding force control in a certain range, so Expanding both be sealed, without making joints, torn off, so that tubes remain in the original intensity range, not Splitting. 3.3 The solution to the problem of rubber bearings The original pump rubber bushing cast bronze parts are common, prone to defects, low pass; rubber parts with copper bonding technology, but relevant, easy to produce rubber parts in the stripped copper in product inspection, the passing rate of less than 50 %. The improved centrifugal cast copper parts, casting grain fine, closely arranged, a cast of all castings are poured qualified, therefore, improve the quality of castings. Adhesion of rubber and copper pieces are also using modern technology and scientific formulation of effective production management, production of rubber bearings in the pass rate increased to 90%. Original bottom of the rubber bearing water chamber radius R3, was replaced by R8, cooling water flow area increases 1.4167 times; of the original top of the rubber bearing water chamber radius R5, replaced by R10, cooling water flow area increased 1.28 times, so the rubber bearing more cooling water for cooling, lubrication, to avoid shaft cement. 3.4 oil shortage problem solving The amount of gear oil pump gear and the bearings and the fuel consumption were calculated one by one, the results show that the normal amount of gear oil pump. Turbine upper bearing oil supply shortages at bearings as high oil temperature, away from the pumps due to bearing far, the pipeline flow area is smaller, resulting in increased losses caused by pipeline, therefore the diameter of the upper bearing oil pipeline replaced by a Φ16 Φ19. In the trials, the top of the bearing oil temperature is always within the normal range. 3.5 Vibration of the solution Is calculated, turbine rotor first critical speed is 13553r/min, the critical speed margin was 78.3%; circulation pump rotor first critical speed is 3029r/min, the first critical speed and maximum operating speed ratio is 3.833. Calculation showed that: Turbine rotor critical speed circulation pump of its maximum operating speed is much higher than. The results indicated: the original line shaft when the rotational speed of 260r/min a resonance peak is not a unit transverse vibration inherent resonant frequency, but due to unit basis or foundation is not solid enough rigidity caused. Test stand test measured the time, when the circulation pump speed at 250 ~ 300r/min when the vibration value is 0.03mm. During testing in the test stand, 2 Steam Turbine Circulating pump operating point in the resonance phenomenon were not there. In the trials, the port of the steamship circulation pump in the work area no resonance point, while the starboard Turbine pump, speed is about 320 ~ 330r/min, the unit appears resonance point, because this unit is based on less rigid. The solution is to: strengthen the basis for the starboard side of the rigid pump steam turbine cycle, or work as much as possible to avoid the speed run. On the circulation pump rotor, reducer rotor, turbine rotor to improve or increase the dynamic balance testing requirements. The original pump design only work on the circulation pump rotor wheel static balance test done, the rotor do not do dynamic and static balance test, improved design requires not only work after the round to do static balance test and requires the entire cycle of the pump rotor (including job rotation and other annex) to do static balance test and balance test. The results showed that circulation pump a large amount of rotor imbalance, this will result in a larger unit, unnecessary vibration. The original pump reducer rotor static balance test only required to do a new improved design to increase dynamic balance test, the results show that this test is necessary. On the turbine rotor balancing test allows unbalance calculated in accordance with current standards, requirements are much higher than the original design, from 34g/cm to 18.23g/cm. Through the three rotor dynamic balance test, so that the entire unit Turbine circulation pump vibration and noise significantly reduced. Addition of Electric Pump 3.6 Circulation pump in the past Turbine startup and shutdown, all with the human hand pump to the various components need lubrication oil supply, this greater labor intensity. An electric pump is designed to replace the original hand pump, but still retains the original hand pump, electric pump as a backup pump, which greatly reduces the crew's physical strength, deeply welcomed by the workers and crew. 3.7 improve the process to improve the product quality 3.7.1 gear reducer made on the machining accuracy Gear is not the original level of precision required to improve the design, according to national standards and Kazakh gas plant processing level and capacity of existing, proposed Gear machining accuracy. In order to achieve the original pump meshing gear reducer spot requirement is through a special study of the research to achieve Taiwan's right, and in improving the design found on the research stage of the contact pattern and the unit does not overlap the actual contact pattern is not true, it will be a pair of gear engagement in the Unit, under the condition of the gears meshing with rolling mill with several times with grinding with roller, the contact spot after engagement is real, is the real contact spots in the Unit This process will ensure that the gear precision. Through the above measures, land navigation test and test run is smooth, noise and vibration decreased significantly, thus indicating the design is correct and feasible. 3.7.2 improve the circulation pump 2 rubber-axis machining accuracy Wawa Wo Circulation pump is installed on top of rubber bearing shell in the circulation pump pumps the upper and lower rubber bearings installed in the first and second half-guide, the first and second semi-oriented circulation pump installed in the lower part of the shell. Improved pre-pump casing and the first and second half processing director, respectively, so the second rubber circulation pump centerline axis Wawa Wo prone to error, difficult to ensure accuracy, circular shaft with two rubber bushing gap uneven, prone to shaft offset radial asymmetry, increasing rubber bearing and shaft wear or produce cement phenomenon. Improved design, re-designed pump casing bore hole map, request a lower pump casing bore hole and the chamfer and end all, then no less than tools, the processing of finished cylindrical first and second semi-guide and bearing caps installed and continue the rest of the boring holes and face, including upper and lower rubber bushing tile nest, so to ensure the upper and lower center line of the second rubber bushing on the same axis, to ensure the realization of drawing the design requirements. Circulation pump is installed, the second rubber bush on the successful, do not have to look in the nest repeatedly scraping, which saves installation time, but also reduce labor intensity. Steam Turbine Circulating pump Circulating pump reducer shaft and is rigidly connected by bolts, in connection with a dial gauge at the point of measurement, by scraping axis on the end to achieve the requirements, very time-consuming and cumbersome. Improve the design, the circulation pump a 3mm end car's boss, in the reducer shaft end of the car a 3mm concave steps, the second connection end has a vertical axis relative degree requirements in two axes connected to two convex sets as a benchmark on very easily, can be done on the successful. 3.7.3 Circulating pump working round the use of CNC machine Circulation pump is working round the propeller-type pump wheel, blade profile more complex, the originalpump wheel by hand with a wheel to grind a little bit, labor-intensive and poor working environment, time consuming, difficult to guarantee precision. The use of CNC machine tools to work round roughing and finishing, and finally the use of artificial use of grinding wheel, sandpaper grinding to final size and finish, so save time and effort, precision fully meet the requirements. 4 Conclusion Steam Turbine Circulating pump full load test by test stand, all vessels sailing trials and nearly a year to run, run well in full compliance with specification requirements, and some indicators even higher than the specification requirements. This improved design to achieve the desired results.

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