中国的乳品的鲜切花行业标准规定的复制可以修改« Reuse world

GB的委员会从2004年宣布GB7718 - 2004“预包装食品的常规选项卡”上的“鲜切”的争论一直间歇性乳品行业,今年的秋天将是一个“多事之秋”。

11日{dy}天是“禁鲜令后的宽限期的{zh1}{yt}第二次推迟”和“订购鲜切”是第三次推迟的时间在没有定论,一直反对以“鲜切”在新的液态奶标签准则,牛奶酿造协会,试图从根本上解决了其他的“鲜切”的问题。 “11个月前,我们将修订的准则草案的有关部委,”在中国奶业协会常务理事,广东省奶业协会副总裁汪堤嗯棉花告诉记者。


“我个人认为,’削减新鲜的’第三次推迟是不可能实施。”汪氐嗯棉花法官28日。所谓“订单鲜切花”是指作为“预包装食品的常规选项卡,”具体的教材,实施“实施食品标签国家标准指南”,“指南”规定,只有尚未处理和热xx可被称为“牛奶”,根据这一定义,经过巴氏xx处理的巴氏xx奶不能称为“奶”,但也超高温xx别谈后在室温下超高温xx奶。 “订购鲜切”这是去年10月1日全面实施,但反对派太多,在去年9月29日产生,并于今年5月31日,两次推迟。汪氐嗯棉花


不存在任何“订购鲜切花”将第三次推迟的消息。 “通过11月1日有两种可能,一是强行执行’减少新的订单’,另一个是”指南废除“或作出相应的修订,”汪敌嗯棉花说:“相对而言,后者可能比较大。“



事业“鲜切字”战争的根本原因是,“指南”的混乱概念。 “”指南“混淆了’生奶’和’奶’的概念。”汪氐嗯棉花告诉记者,“牛奶”的“新鲜”与国际惯例应该是“新鲜”或“新鲜”,国际社会也有巴氏xx奶称为“鲜”(鲜奶,解释),其中要成为“原料奶”的“原料奶”是两个概念。

“准则”草案和“指南”针尖对麦芒,特别是在“原料奶明显”的定义,而“牛奶”,明确区分。 “规范在”指南“的区别”的定义是,对健康的定义强调了从奶牛母乳的重要性,可以通过过滤挤压,如果不经过xx处理,可称为“鲜奶”或直接称为“生牛奶。” “标准”认为,巴氏xx的过程,以确保原料奶的营养,尽量减少破坏的程度,因此{wy}的原料奶的巴氏xx奶的原料可以被标为“新奶”或“鲜牛奶。”

“希望有关部委通过我们的”准则“和”指南“修订的相关内容。”汪氐嗯棉花说,一旦“准则”获得通过,乳品业,“另一方面将以此结束鲜切花”。 06.9.13

China’s dairy industry standards for reproduction of fresh cut provisions may be modified

GB 2004 from the Commission announced GB7718-2004 “pre-packaged food General Tab”, the dairy industry on the “fresh cut” the quarrel has been intermittent, this year’s fall will be a “troubled times.”

11 on day one are “fresh ban order” after the second postponement of the final day of a grace period, and on the “Order fresh cut” is the third postponement of a time when no conclusion has been drawn, have been opposed to “fresh cut “Association of the milk in the brewing of a new liquid milk tag criteria, trying to fundamentally solve the problem of” fresh cut “on the other. “11 months ago and we will revised the draft guidelines to the relevant ministries,” executive director of the China Dairy Association, the Guangdong Dairy Association, vice president of Wang Ding Cotton told reporters.

“fresh cut” clause or to amend

“I personally think that ‘cut fresh the’ third time is unlikely to defer the implementation.” Wang Ding Cotton judge yesterday. The so-called “Order fresh cut” refers to as “pre-packaged food General Tab,” the implementation of specific teaching materials “to implement national standards for food labeling guide,” “Guide” provides that only has not been processing and heat treatment can be referred to as “milk”, according to This definition is, after pasteurization treatment of pasteurized milk can not be called “milk”, but also ultra-high temperature sterilization别谈after the UHT milk at room temperature. “Order fresh cut” this the last year, October 1 full implementation, but the opposition too much, resulting in its September 29 last year and May 31 this year, postponed twice. Wang Ding Cotton

think, as a national standard and the implementation of teaching materials, “General” and “Guide” can not be repeated three to postpone indefinitely, or else their credibility will be gone. In particular, this year May 31 to postpone the second, GB commissioned until the night before on its Web site, dairy products business and quality supervision departments has not been given any prior notice, once complaining.

there is no any “Order fresh cut” will be the third time delayed the news. “By November 1 there are two possibilities, one is forcefully implementing the ‘cut fresh orders’, and the other is the Abolition of” Guide “or to make consequential amendments,” Wang Ding Cotton said, “Comparatively speaking, the latter may relatively larger. “

reporter has learned that the Guangdong Dairy Association has formed a draft, tentatively entitled” tag liquid application of the guidelines. ” Cotton said Wang Ding, Guangdong Dairy Association will be consulted in the near future, Sichuan, Xinjiang, Shanghai, Beijing and other places milk Association’s views and opinions on the basis of the revised draft sent to relevant ministries.

new standard for clear, “raw milk” definition

cause “fresh cut” wars of words the fundamental reason is that “Guide” on the concept of confusion. “” Guide “to confuse the ‘raw milk’ and ‘milk’ concept.” Wang Ding Cotton told reporters that “Milk,” the “fresh” in accordance with international practice should be interpreted as “fresh” or “fresh”, the international community pasteurized milk have also referred to as “fresh” (fresh milk), which was to become “raw milk” the “raw milk” are two concepts.

the “Guidelines” draft and “Guide” tit-for-tat, especially clear on the “raw milk” is defined, and the “milk” a clear distinction between. “Norms” in the definition of “guide” the difference is that the definition of health stressed the importance of dairy cattle from breast milk can be squeezed through filtering, if not after a sterilization treatment can be referred to as the “raw milk” or directly referred to as “raw milk.” “Criteria” believe that the pasteurization process to ensure that the raw milk nutrition to minimize the extent of damage, and therefore the only raw milk to pasteurized milk raw materials can be marked “new milk” or “fresh milk.”

“hope that the relevant ministries to adopt our” guidelines “and” guide “to amend the relevant content.” Wang Ding Cotton said that once the “guidelines” were adopted, the dairy industry, “fresh cut” on the other will draw to an end. (06-9-13)

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