What is pomegranate chicken to make it? « Industry info 工业信息

Category:catering food

rush ~ ~! ! ! New Year, I wanted to learn to do pomegranate chicken, will ask the next! ! ! ! ! ! ! THANKS ~ ~ ~

raw materials: chicken, shrimp each 2 2 (about 80 grams), 2 mushroom, bamboo shoots 1 2 (about 40 grams), water chestnut 2 capsules, ginger 2 tablets celery (small) 1.
Danpi material: protein 4, 1 teaspoon cornstarch, water, 4 tablespoons.
Marinade: salt, 1 / 2 teaspoon sugar 1 / 3 teaspoon, 2 teaspoons cornstarch, 1 teaspoon ground at the end of fish, lard or vegetable oil 1 / 2 2 (about 20 grams), pepper, sesame oil a little.
qian sauce: Water 1 / 2 cup, salt and sugar each 1 / 4 teaspoon, corn starch 1 / 2 tsp.
practice: 1, Dan Pi material with the mix, put in flat-bottomed pan fry thin Danpi 8, stand-by. 2, chicken and shrimp cut fine-grained, mushrooms, bamboo shoots, water chestnut and ginger chopped, add marinade and mix well the above-mentioned materials into the filling, place 10 minutes. 3, celery, hot tearing into the article after the flood of soft, dry spare. 4, Dan Pi-by-piece pack into the filling, with celery Zhakou, emission plate and steam for 10 minutes. 5, qian boil sauce, topped with pomegranate chicken balls.
experience: protein skin can be used to replace the whole Dan Pi, making easier.

recipe name of the pomegranate chicken


the basic characteristics of Cantonese cuisine “cooking Pomegranate Chicken” is a Chaozhou style dishes for several decades. Its shape resembles a flowering pomegranate, Ingredients is a chicken, hence the name formed by the steaming. The traditional approach is to use brown or chicken breast to make leather, innovators units must use boiled eggs. This change, although more convenient than done, but also features. However, considerably less than the traditional Chaozhou cuisine.

chicken breast 175 grams of basic materials, 100 grams of brown shrimp 300 grams of pork cooked bamboo shoots 25 grams fat 100 grams of celery stalk the end of 6 grams ham 25 grams Crab mushroom 10 grams fat 50 grams of water, egg 30 grams salt 11 grams wet starch 25 grams monosodium glutamate 2.5 grams dry starch 5 g pepper 0.5 g of sesame oil 2 g


1. will be brown Kaicheng 24, each piece was a large circular 5 cm in diameter. 15 grams of the egg white, dry starch, salt deployment into a paste, coating the inside of the chicken skin.

2. to use boiling water, boil for a short celery stalk off, and then dousing with cold water, remove and dry the root stalk of each tear with four wire when the rope.

3. the chicken breast and shrimp, bamboo shoots, mushrooms, pork fat were hacked granule, mixed-mix, along with pepper, and flavor industry, 10 grams of salt, sesame oil, eggs and Wang, wet starch 20 grams of mix well into a pie, divided into 24 copies, stand-by. Each one made with brown skin, packets into a pomegranate-shaped, with celery stalk Zhakou, with Crab embellishment on it, Sheng in the dish, into the steamer steam 8 minutes, take out, with the chicken juice wet starch mix to Chicken qian topped with Serve.


fire atmospheric feet, steamed 8 minutes, forming a long steaming poor flavor lost.

wrap pomegranate chicken

[Ingredients accessories]

mother tender chicken … … … 400 grams of water in 50 grams of mushrooms … … …

sticky rice … … 100 … … … … … … … Keshao Wine … 50 grams

golden hook, shrimp … … … … 10 grams of pepper … … … … 0.5 grams

cooked meat fat fat 150 grams of MSG … … … … … … … … l g

cooked ham … 50 grams of salt … … … … … … … … 2 grams

[cooking methods]

1. Hanoun hen fillet into 1 cm square D, with Shao liquor, 1 gram of salt, monosodium glutamate grasp leveling, pickling 5 minutes. Rice panning clean, soak for 10 minutes with boiling water, ham, mushrooms, golden hook, shrimp were cut into about 0.3 cm square of the small grain, meat, fat fat, cut into rice-like.

2. take a big porcelain, placed in sticky rice, fat Ding, mushrooms, 1 gram of salt, pepper 0.5 g mix, then add ham, golden hook, shrimp, diced chicken together pave the way, into Long Zheng 2 about an hour; to the fat melting Ding far, remove the cooler temperatures, using 10 cm square of cellophane packages one by one into the packet, such as pomegranate-shaped total of 30, neatly placed in the session, into the cage heat, remove Serve.

[craft key]

steamed chicken pomegranate stuffing, to steamed steaming rotten, about 2 hours or more, to package the cellophane, the hot topic can be dished out.

[flavor characteristics]

wrap pomegranate chicken wrap, also known as glutinous rice chicken, a traditional Hunan dishes, to chicken tender mother-based material, accompanied by sticky rice, golden hook, shrimp, ham, mushrooms and many other fresh material in order to wrap the glass into pomegranate-shaped steamed, oil lubrication Ruannuo, delicious and tasty, hence the name.


类别: 餐饮食品



菜谱名称 石榴鸡

所属菜系 粤菜

基本特点 "炊石榴鸡"是潮汕风味名菜,已有数十年的历史。它的外形酷似开花的石榴,主料是鸡肉,经蒸制而成故名。传统的作法是用鸡皮或鸡胸肉作皮的,创新者则必用煎鸡蛋的。这一改,做起来虽较方便,也有特点。但比传统潮汕风味大为逊色。

基本材料 鸡胸肉 175克 虾仁 100克 鸡皮 300克 猪肥肉 25克 熟冬笋 100克 芹菜梗 6克 火腿末 25克 蟹黄 10克 水发冬菇 50克 鸡蛋清 30克 精盐 11克 湿淀粉 25克 味精 2.5克 干淀粉 5克 胡椒粉 0.5克 芝麻油 2克









嫩母鸡肉………400克 水发香菇………50克

糯米……………100克 绍酒……………50克

金钩虾…………10克 胡椒粉…………0.5克

熟肥膘肉………150克 味精……………l克

熟火腿肉………50克 精盐………………2克


1.嫩母鸡肉切1厘米见方的丁,用绍酒、精盐1 克、味精抓匀,腌5分钟。糯米淘洗干净,用沸水泡10分钟,火腿、香菇、金钩虾均切成约0.3厘米见方的小粒,肥膘肉切成米粒状。

2.取大瓷盘1 只,放入糯米、肥肉丁、香菇、精盐1 克、胡椒粉0.5克拌匀,再加入火腿、金钩虾、鸡丁一齐铺平,入笼蒸2小时左右;至肥肉丁溶化为止,取出稍凉,用10厘米见方的玻璃纸逐个包成如石榴形的小包共30个,整齐摆放盘中,入笼加热,取出即成。





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