java Staff/Principle Software Engineering (资深系统软件开发/架构 ...
* BS, MS, or PhD in Computer Science or related technical discipline (or equivalent).
* A solid foundation in computer science, with strong competencies in data structures, algorithms, and software design.
* 8+ years work experience in software development area and at least 5+ years experience in Java programming.
* Extensive programming experience in Java and J2EE (strong OO skills preferred).
* At least 3~5 years of large systems software design and development experience. Good knowledge about performance and scalability
* Mature Debugging & troubleshooting skills in Large-scale software product.
* Fluent communication skills in Oral English communication and email writing.
* Working Experience in Multi-national Company is a plus.
* Coding skills in Javascript/AJAX, database design and SQL, and/or knowledge of XML and SOA/Webservice programming are a plus.



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