
有事没事偷着乐一把也不错。有事没事偷着乐一把 昨天傍晚在一家海外媒体上看到下面这篇英文新闻,仔细一看,原来是我中午对其他媒体发出的英文稿件之一。当时我就想,一定会有人将这篇新闻翻译成中文。果不然,今天早上就在国内的专业网站发现了由英文翻译过来的中文。说实话,俺以前并不从事文字工作,转型做文字工作时间不长,因此上,俺的英文和中文都很滥,仅仅够勉强混口饭吃。有事没事偷着乐一把 就这样,俺也有虚荣心作祟的时候,尤其是看到俺的东西被人翻来翻去的时候,被某些知名媒体,甚至是国家智囊机构转载的时候,总忍住不偷着乐一把。有事没事偷着乐一把 


Textile machinery enterprises in Qingdao bag big orders


In the first five months of this year, more than 80 textile machinery enterprises in Qingdao achieved a total income of 14 billion Yuan from machinery orders, an increased of 4 billion Yuan over the same period last year.


At the Canton Fair held at the beginning of this year and Qingdao Textile Expo held in May, Qingdao textile industry saw sharply increased overseas orders, as recovery of global textile and garment industry speeds up.


Qingdao Xueda Group Co., Ltd, an export-oriented textile processing company, achieved a 300 percent increase of process orders from Japan compared with last year. Increased orders allowed enterprises to become order "choosers." In the Textile Expo, more than ten thousands of textile buyers put up big orders with Chinese companies, such as Wal-Mart, Carrefour, Spain's department store, H & M and so on, trade intention was close to US $300 million.


Relevant official says that rapid recovery and structural adjustment of textile and garment industry have sped up, global textile and garment industry continues to shift into Asian, meanwhile, China has increased national policies to support the industry, these factors have provided a good opportunity for rapid development of textile machinery industry.








青岛雪达集团有限公司是一个出口导向型纺织加工公司,该公司来自于日本的加工订单同比增长了300%。订单的增长允许企业成为订单“选择者”(博主注:可翻译为允许企业对订单挑三拣四)。在青岛纺织机械博览会上,上万的纺织品采购商向中国的公司下达了大订单,例如沃尔玛公司、家乐福公司、西班牙百货公司、玛莎百货等,贸易额接近3亿美元。(博主注:这一句翻译有误,应该是贸易意向接近 3 亿美元)



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