the thing one should do everyday - 斯文的海绵宝宝- 博客大巴
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    My roommate bought a new book ,the name of the book is find your own way.

    the writer is a forum host for a program about Sensibility,people get into all kinds of troubles,

    and  they just need some help.

    the book is not so profound,is just like a magazine.

    but I find something interesting in this book,

    the method can help me to get rid of the bad mood and being friendly to people around me.

    to keep three things in dairy:

    one thing to ingratiate myself with somebody

    one thing to  please other people,

    a new thing

    a thing which is good at

    I think it is really a good habit.

    I enjoy a cup of milk

    I help Guang with her hand writing

    I ask my teacher with my project

    I decide to wear skirts in front of my friends

    It is really a good experience

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