ChinaDaily晚报6.5_English News_百度空间

>Gaokao Keywords
>Tourists rush to buy luxuries
>Stars fall out of WCup
>'Gossip Girl' star arrested
>'Printer' designed for organs
>Tips: 'Cross my heart'

【Cover Story】
>Gaokao battle ahead
Gaokao, the national college entrance examination, will start on Monday. Around 9.57m high school seniors will set off for the Gaokao battleground after long-time preparation for the make-or-break test.
全国高考7日即将拉开大幕。2天以 后,全国约957万名高中毕业生将踏上"磨剑十载一朝试"的高考征程。

>Gaokao Keywords
特别策划:高考' 关键词'
College acceptance rates may see a 7-percentage-points rise this year, after the number of students registered for the exam dwindled sharply, the Ministry of Education predicted.

It will rain in most parts of China during June 7-9, but the temperatures are mostly pleasant, with hot weather rare. The Central Meteorological Observatory suggested exam-sitters go to the examination early and bring rainwear with them.
6 月7日至9日,中国无大范围高温天气,但降雨范围较广。中央气象台提醒考生安排"赶考"时间时留有余地,不要忘记携带雨具。

[爸爸妈 妈]
As many as 90% of parents accompany their children to the test sites on the big days, according to a survey by Hebei Youth Daily. A parent said he will wait outside until the exams end, but he will not let his kid know.
《河北青年报》调查显示,90%的考生家长将亲自把孩子送至考场。一名家长称,会在场外等候,但不会让孩子知 道。

"Today is the last day at school. All of us are sort of crazy. We fly paper airplanes from the building and unluckily alarmed the school heads. One of them stood on the playground overflowing with numerous paper planes and shouted: 'Anyone who flys another paper plane will be banned from Gaokao!'" an exam-taker wrote on her microblog.
一位高考考生的微博:"今天是在学校上课的{zh1}{yt}了。所有的人都疯了,纷纷折纸飞机往下飞,惊动了校领导。一个 领导站在满操场的纸飞机间向上望,劝说无效,只得威胁道:再往下飞纸飞机起哄者,不用参加高考!"

Good luck, everybody!
China Daily手机报祝所有高考考生马到成功!

【Top News】
>Tourists rush to buy luxuries
Foreign products and limited-edition goods sold in the Expo garden in Shanghai were snapped up by tourists and have sold out, the Shanghai Morning Post reported Saturday. UGG boots in the Australia Pavilion, New Zealand milk powder, South Korean make-up and limited-edition perfumes from France were some of the hottest products. In the Finland Pavilion, Nokia phones sold out in one day. The products can only be ordered.

>Experts discuss opera future
The 2010 NCPA World Theater Summit was held Friday and Saturday at the National Center for the Performing Arts (NCPA) in Beijing. Experts from China and 11 others countries gathered to discuss the fusion of different cultures in opera. The developing direction of opera in China was another topic at the summit, as opera is originated in Europe and is mainly in foreign languages.

【In Brief】
>The US Commerce Department set final anti-dumping duties and countervailing duties Friday on imports of wire decking from China, a move which might escalate trade disputes between the two countries, Xinhua reported.
据新华社报道,当地时间4日,美国商务部作出终裁,决定对进口自中国的金属丝网托盘征收 反倾销和反补贴税。两国贸易纷争或进一步加剧。
>The Centre for Food Safety in Hong Kong advised people not to consume 2 types of Isotone Sports Drinks sold in Watson due to the detection of fungus in them, local media reported. Watson Group suspended sale of the products Friday.
据当地媒体报道,香港食品安全中心日 前呼吁市民停止购买屈臣氏两款Isotone运动饮品,原因是在其中检测出了霉菌。屈臣氏4日起已停售该产品。
>US President Barack Obama will name defense veteran James Clapper as his new director of national intelligence, an administration official said.
美 国政府官员表示,奥巴马总统将任命国防老将詹姆斯·克莱伯为下一任美国国家情报总监。
>General Keith Alexander, head of the newly created US Cyber Command, said that Pentagon networks are probed over 6m times a day, AFP reported.
据法新社报道,美国网军司令亚历山大指出,五角 大楼网络每天遭到黑客刺探多达600万次。

>Stars fall out of WCup
The World Cup begins in a week and injuries have run through nearly every team from every continent well before the World Cup begins. Here is a World Cup injury list. 
距世界杯开赛不足一周,然而悲情气氛却在各大洲的几乎所有球队之间传递:已有多名大将因伤无缘赛场。下面是 可能"伤别"世界杯的球员盘点:
--Ivory Coast may have lost its star and captain, Didier Drogba, who broke his right arm Friday in a 2-0 warm-up victory over Japan.
--England captain Rio Ferdinand is out after injuring ligaments in his left knee during practice hours before Drogba was hurt.
就在德罗巴受伤前数小时,英格兰队队长费迪南德 在训练中左膝受伤,告别南非。
--Italy playmaker Andrea Pirlo is resting at home in Milan with a calf injury that could force him out of the event.
意大利队 中场核心皮尔洛,由于小腿受伤现在米兰家中静养,伤情或阻断其世界杯之旅。
--Brazil goalkeeper Julio Cesar missed practice for the second straight day as he recovers from a back injury.
--American striker Jozy Altidore has a sprained right ankle that makes him doubtful for Saturday's tune-up match against Australia.
美国队前锋阿尔蒂多雷不慎扭伤右脚踝,能否现身今晚的美国vs澳大利亚热身 赛成疑。 

>'Gossip Girl' star arrested
Texas authorities say "Gossip Girl" heartthrob Chace Crawford faces a marijuana possession charge after being arrested in the Dallas suburb. A police spokesman says Crawford was arrested early Friday morning with less than two ounces of the drug. The 24-year-old actor was found with a friend and an "unlit joint" in a vehicle in a pub's parking lot. Chace plays the hunky Nate Archibald on the teen drama.
美国德克萨斯州官员表示,美剧《绯闻女 孩》头号帅哥切斯·克劳福因携带xx,在德州达拉斯市郊被捕,并面临非法持有xx的指控。警方发言人称,当地时间4日凌晨,警方在泊在一间酒吧停车场的一 辆车中发现了克劳福和他的一位朋友,以及一支"尚未吸食的xx烟卷",遂以非法携带2盎司以下xx的罪名逮捕了他。克劳福在热门青春美剧《绯闻女孩》中饰 演帅气男主角Nate Archibald。

>'Printer' designed for organs
California-based company Organovo in the US said they have developed a 3D bio-printer capable of growing arteries which could be used in heart-bypass surgery in 5 years, the Daily Mail reported Friday. More complex organs such as hearts, teeth and bone should be possible within 10 years. It means patients could one day no longer have to join transplant waiting lists. At present, patients have to wait months, even years, for donated organs.
据《每日邮报》4日报道,美国加利福尼亚州 一家名为"器官创新"的公司宣称,他们已造出"三维生物印刷机"。这种机器可在未来5年内"印刷"出可直接用于心脏搭桥手术的动脉。而心脏、牙齿、骨头等 较为复杂器官的复制技术,也将在10年内完成研发。这样,患者就无需等待捐献器官了。目前,病人常常要等上数月甚至数年,才能获得合适的捐赠器官。

【Language Tips】
'Cross my heart'
Cross作动词有"把……放成十字形"的意思。十字架在 西方象征着虔诚,cross my heart"把心放成十字形",在中文里的意思就是"保证"或者"发誓"等。一个人会说cross my heart来让你相信他说的话是真的。
Billy, cross my heart, it wasn't me who broke your bicycle.

>Audio: News of the week

Premier Wen Jiabao pledged stronger ties with Myanmar during the first trip by a Chinese premier to Myanmar in 16 years.
本周,温家宝总理对缅甸进行访问,以推进中缅友谊化进程。 这是中国总理16年来首访缅甸。

A 6-man crew of researchers in Moscow began a 520-day experiment to tackle some of the challenges of a potential real flight to Mars one day. The experiment is being conducted jointly by Russian, Chinese and European partners.
本周,由6名宇航员组成的探险队将开始长达520天的实验,到 底人类能不能飞往火星?也许谜底会被来自俄罗斯,中国和其它欧洲国家的研究人员一同揭开。

(本期英文内容由美籍编辑Linda Gibson润色。)

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