阿姆斯一岁了!! 我的阿姆斯宝贝也在同一个月过了他的3岁生日。 趁着两个阿姆斯的生日办个年度“买一送一”促销活动。凡买任何一样物品, 就能任选一样价格同等或较低的物品为赠品。
Amos Pet Boutique turns 1 and My Amos baby turns 3 in this month too. In conjunction with these 2 Amos' Birthday, we would like to invite you to our "Buy 1 Free 1" SALES. Choose the item you wish to buy and the 2nd one(equal or lower price)IS FREE.
**The above sales does not apply to wee wee pad and pre-order items.