铜梁投入800多万改造13处泵站恢复灌溉面积- cilibengwang - 博客大巴
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    近日,重庆铜梁土桥镇石岭坳水库、侣俸镇西永水库、虎峰镇轮桥水库等13座水库泵站更新改造和技改工作全面启动。工程在今年9月完工后,恢复灌溉面积在1.7万亩以上。 铜梁县现有泵站499处,其中装机容量较大的泵站绝大部分建于20世纪60、70年代,局限于早期建站时的设计水平和环境状况,许多泵站设计不合理,配套不合理,有的取水困难,甚至无法取水,加之年久失修,运行状况差。实际灌面下降,已影响到农业生产、农民增收、粮食安全及社会稳定等问题。 为了改善农业生产条件,促进农民增收,保障粮食生产安全,县里根据国家和重庆市的要求,投资806万元对总容量为907千瓦的13座泵站进行更新改造。目前,铜梁县水部门严格按照项目法人负责制、招标投标制、工程监理制、工程公示制的要求组织实施,并加强了项目质量、安全、进度管理。

    “ Tongliang transform into more than 800 million to restore irrigation pumping station 13 ”是由提供的水泵行业新闻,译文仅供参考。另外,还提供相关产品搜索:、、、、等。

    Recently, Chongqing Tongliang tuqiaozhen Stone Mountain Pass Reservoir, companion permanent Zhenxi John reservoir hufengzhen round Bridge Reservoir 13 Reservoir Pump Station Renovation and Rehabilitation work started. Project in September this year after the completion of rehabilitation of irrigation area of more than 1.7 million mu. Tongliang existing pumping station 499, where a large pumping capacity built in the 20th century, most of 60,70 years, when the site be limited to the early design level and environmental conditions, many of Pumping Station Design unreasonable supporting irrational, and some water problems, not even water, combined with state of disrepair, poor running condition. Actual decline in irrigated area, has affected agricultural production, farmer income, food security and social stability and so on. In order to improve conditions for agricultural production and peasant incomes, ensure food production safety, the county of Chongqing municipality in accordance with national and requirements of 8.06 million yuan of total investment capacity of 907 kilowatts of 13 Pump Station renovation. Currently, the water sector Tongliang project legal person responsibility system in strict accordance with, the bidding system, project supervision system, project publicity requirements of the system organization and implementation, and strengthening project quality, safety, schedule management.


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