Record Hard Drive to DVD by DVD Burner_ytmkjyyo_新浪博客

Easy to Record Hard Drive to DVD with DVD Copy Software and examples to use.

Cover Up

Synopsis: If The Lies Don't Kill You?The Truth Will. The stars of The Punisher, Dolph Lundgren and Oscar?winner Louis Gossett, Jr., join forces again, plunging into the world of international terrorism in this volatile thriller. Lundgren plays Mike Anderson, an American journalist trying to piece together a story surrounding a sudden attack on U.S. naval outpost near Tel Aviv. A U.S. official (Gossett, Jr.) seems to be stonewalling the facts, but one thing is soon clear to Anderson- he's in extreme danger. Assassins fire at him from rooftops. Hit men slip into his hotel room. And love becomes the most dangerous weapon of all. By the time Anderson uncovers all the facts, he'll also realize that only he can stop events from exploding into World War III. But it may be too late. YTXZ01010YU

Step1. Click "Burn DVD from Hard Disk " Button.
Step2: Select DVD Video folder and Target DVD Burner.
Step3: Set Target DVD Settings and Target volume label.
Step4: Click "Start Now" button to Burn DVD.

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