温州合成革协会会员公司捐赠了5000多万« Reuse world

合成皮革温州商会成立于2000年12月。据了解,今年,与树脂和其他原材料价格,我们比合成革企业利润下降,去年的城市,但仍然72个会员企业捐款,许多企业还发起筹款的工作人员。一个52通过商会会员企业的捐款,共计20.6万元。不少通过当地政府部门的成员公司,例如,以慈善捐助渠道打击苍南县,共计超过18万人民币。 06.9.11

Wenzhou Synthetic Leather Association member companies donated more than 50 million

One party has difficulties, P Plus support. Yesterday, Wenzhou Synthetic Leather Association of the Chamber of Commerce member companies also fund-raising donations of 106,000 yuan, to CANGNAN Charity, directed donor county in typhoon “Saomai” in the families of the victims. At this point, the Association’s member companies has amounted to more than 50 million.
Synthetic Leather in Wenzhou Chamber of Commerce was established in December 2000. It is understood that this year, with the resin and other raw materials prices, in our city than the synthetic leather corporate profits fell last year, but still 72 member companies for donations, many enterprises have also launched fund-raising staff. One 52 member companies through the Chamber of Commerce donations, amounting to 206,000 yuan. Quite a number of member companies through local government departments, such as channels to Charity donors hit Cangnan, amounting to more than 180,000 yuan. (06-9-11)

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