谁将是下一轮牛市行情中的大金矿- 刘君- 职业日志- 价值中国网:网络 ...

    2010-06-04 06:32 来源:浙江在线-今日早报


  • 谁将是下一轮牛市行情中的大金矿
    2010-06-04 06:32 来源:浙江在线-今日早报

      做股票一定要关心天下大事。牛市迟早会到来,必须早做准备。下一轮行情中的大金矿在哪里?以我所掌握的信息,以下16个重大项目可能成为国家今后发展的重点:大型飞机、水体污染控制与治理、重大新药创制、新一代宽带无线移动通信网、节能与新能源汽车、汽车先进技术、核心电子器件、商端通用芯片及基础软件产品、极大规模集成电路制造装备及成套工艺、xx数控机床与基础制造装备、转基因生物新品种培育、艾滋病和病毒性肝炎等重大传染病防治、大型先进压水堆及高温气冷堆核电站、大型油气田及煤层气开发、高分辨率对地观测系统、载人航天与探月工程。如果大家再看看今年国家屡屡提到的七大战略性新兴产业新能源、节能环保、新材料、信息网络、生物医药、xx制造业、生物育种等,不就是上面16个项目中的新兴产业群吗?而年初我大力推荐的新能源、节能环保、新能源汽车、三网融合、智能电网等题材,不就是上述新兴产业群中的细分吗?我认为,如果将上述16个重大项目,再结合有关规划以及国家经济结构转型综合分析,其中的交叉产业,很可能就是下一轮牛市行情大金矿! Who is the next big bull market in gold
    2010-06-04 06:32 Source: Zhejiang Online - today's Post
    Regular activity performed must be concerned about world affairs. Bull market will come sooner or later, you must prepare early. I think that, if the 16 major projects, combined with the planning and comprehensive analysis of national economic restructuring, including the cross-industry, it may be the next great gold bull market!

    Regular activity performed must be concerned about world affairs. Bull market will come sooner or later, you must prepare early. Market in the next round, where a large gold mine? The information in my possession, the following 16 major projects may be countries in the coming development of Zhongdian: Taixing aircraft, water pollution control and treatment, a major new drug created new generation wireless broadband mobile network, 节能 and new energy vehicles, automotive Xianjin Technology , the core electronic components, chips and general-end infrastructure software products, great scale integrated circuit manufacturing equipment and complete sets of technology, high-end CNC machine tools and basic manufacturing equipment, new varieties of GMO cultivation, AIDS and viral hepatitis prevention and control of major communicable diseases, large-scale advanced pressurized water reactor and temperature gas cooled reactor nuclear power plants, large oil and gas fields and coal bed methane development, high-resolution Earth observation systems, manned space and lunar exploration. If we look at this year repeatedly said the seven countries, new industries of strategic new energy, environmental protection, new materials, information networks, biomedicine, high-end manufacturing, bio-breeding, not that the top 16 projects in the emerging industry group it? The year, I strongly recommend the new energy, energy saving, new energy vehicles, triple play, smart grid and other subjects, not that the new industry group in the segment it? I think that, if the 16 major projects, combined with the planning and comprehensive analysis of national economic restructuring, including the cross-industry, it may be the next great gold bull market!

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