皮特.彼得森博士访谈(一)——S(待审;mensen译)_Project Camelot翻译 ...

California? We hear predictions about earthquakes all the time and we see earthquakes all the time. Some are small and some are larger, but we hear the people that actually are predicting those things predicting very large earthquakes.




They don't know if it's going to be next year or the year after, but they know it's going to come, they know it's going to be large, they know people are going to lose things. Why don't these people have what's called a bug-out bag in their car where they could take off and leave the area?
他们不知道它是否会在明年或后年发生,但他们知道一定要来的,他们知道它将会是大的,他们知道人们将要失去一些东西。为什么这些人不在他们的车里装上收购袋(bug-out bag)呢?这样他们就可以在动身离开这个地区了呀,为什么他们没有这样做呢?
The government says: Oh, you only need to have three days storage. But we look at where the government's come in, time after time after time over just the last four or five years, and found out the government didn't have anything for them. They had to fend for themselves. It was months, sometimes, before they had effort come in.
It's very interesting to understand... When I teach a survival class, one of the things I do is, right at the beginning of the class I put a velvet bag over people's head. Then I tell them: I'm going to place a ten dollar gold piece somewhere in the room and have you all look for it. Whoever finds it gets to keep it.
So I do that and then I say: Okay, go look for it, and immediately someone says: Oh, here it is. I have it. I found it. And everybody takes their bag off and says: Well that's no fair! He didn't have a hood on!
And I say: Okay, so let's say that there's a big earthquake or a big emergency, and if you don't have a way of communicating – because the cell phones are going to be down, the radio stations are going to be down – if you don't have a way of communicating outside of those, it's like having a bag over your head.


You're not going to know what roads are blocked. You're not going to know what roads have police that are not allowing people to go through. You're not going to have gasoline in your car.
If you had a short-wave radio or an amateur radio, which are very inexpensive, you could listen to the radio amateurs who are going to be immediately there because that's what they're set up for, that's what they're trained to do.





If you had an amateur radio license, which anybody can get these days, it's like you had eyes. You can see where to go, where there's problems, where there are not problems, where there are riots, where there are not riots, and carry on and go there.

If you had a bug-out bag in your car you'd have gas and fuel and medical supplies, things to keep you warm, things to keep you cool, all packed up ready to go. Just a small bag. So, there are a number of things that one could do to become aware.
如果你的车里有一个收购袋(bug-out bag,你就用它装上汽油、医疗用品、保暖物品、降温材料,所有都打包收拾好,就可以准备走了。只是一个小袋。所以,有很多事情可以做来让你变得有这方面(生存、求生)的知识。
BR: There’s a lot that has been done to dumb down the population. How can this be reversed? How can that be aided? I want to make sure that David gets a chance to answer his own questions. What I'm trying to do is support you in that and I want to give you air time here.
比尔:有很多事情被做,来简化(dumb down)人口。怎么样才能使其颠倒过来?怎么作以辅助呢?我要确保大卫得到一个机会来让您回答他自己的问题。我想做的是支持您所说的,这会儿我想给你(大卫)一些访谈时间。
DW: There is a compartment of reality that we can talk about in which people are on this planet and there are forces that appear to be almost outside their control to do anything about other than, as you said, preparations for the sake of survival.


Then we also have another context which is that you are apparently directly aware of extraterrestrials who are not strictly negative. In fact, you mentioned to us before that a lot of them are positive. We know they're out there, we know they're visiting us.
于是,我们也有另一个语境,即您显然直接知道有不是xx负面的天外来客(=外星人)存在。事实上, 之前你向我们提到,他们中很多人都是正面、积极的。我们知道他们就在那里(地球周围),我们知道他们正在拜访我们。
While I don't believe they're going to just come down and save us from problems, there appears to be a greater reality that we are all involved in, and that this situation... My understanding is that the situations we're going through are going to be instrumental in helping to purge the negative influences on this planet that have been prevailing for so long, not make them worse.


There will be, certainly, a crisis time that we go through but that's part of a passage into a more organized and enlightened society. That's how it's been explained by many different accurate sources, in my opinion, including ancient prophecies that speak of the coming of a Golden Age.

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