真的可以吃的鱼« City life wiki 城市百科


生鱼片,烤鱼,泡菜头,酸辣鱼,鱼翅… …和我疯狂的爱,水煮鱼,Suantang余,我相信很多人跟我一样,是一个真正的“鱼迷”。现在,医生们说,他们有一个共通点-他们很可能是汞污染的!近年来,专家开始怀疑,在汞(水银)有毒重金属的危机会增加心血管疾病的风险。医学界发现水银在我们的身体没有任何生理功能,只有毒性。环境污染的问题,现代的结果(特别是在海洋惊人的),我们日常食用的汞的重要途径身体的入侵鱼,鱼本身包含了非常有用的大量非饱和脂肪,但它强化对心血管系统的好处的都被水银的毒害瓦解。因此,吃了很多鱼,而是成为损害健康!请注意以下集市研究。














此外,深海鱼也含有大量的W - 3多不饱和,如不饱和脂肪酸,对人体内存脂肪酸是好的


Really okay to eat fish

fish really okay

mercury, toxic substances, a large number of fish and shellfish found in animals. Suicide by swallowing mercury ancients, and now someone will commit suicide do fish! You are crazy fish lovers do? So, all the fish and shellfish as a health food for people, I am sorry, this is really bad news.
sashimi, grilled fish, Pickle head, hot and sour fish, shark’s fin … … and my mad love, boiled fish, Suantang Yu, I believe a lot of people, like me, is truly a ” Fish fans “. Now, doctors say that they have one thing in common - they are likely to be mercury-contaminated! In recent years, experts have begun to suspect that toxic heavy metals in the mercury (mercury) will increase risk of cardiovascular diseases crisis. The medical profession found that mercury in our body has no physiological function, only the toxicity. The modern result of environmental pollution problems (particularly in the marine staggering), our daily consumption of mercury in fish as an important way to the invasion of the body; fish itself contains a large number of very useful non-saturated fat, but it reinforced the benefits of the cardiovascular system has all been poisoned by mercury collapse. Therefore, eating a lot of fish but becomes detrimental to health! Please pay attention to the following bazaar study.

q: mercury affect my health, creating a potential threat?

a: mercury, toxic, its toxicity, particularly for pregnant, lactating women and six children under the serious threat. Mercury can be released to the placenta and directly damage the fetal nervous system development, the fetus in the future cognitive ability and athletic ability have a significant impact. There is also evidence that mercury will increase blood pressure, increased adult risk of heart attacks. In addition, it is the root of a number of immune system diseases, such as the various organs sclerosis.

q: to eat fish food is the main cause of mercury poisoning do?

a: Yes. Mercury is a heavy industrial factories and power plants through transmission of emissions into the air, this gas pollution is the surrounding waters - of course, that is, the reproductive environment for fish. If your husband likes fishing home cooking, it would have to be careful, and please no factories nearby fisheries surveillance.

q: what fish we should not eat?

a: the larger the volume of fish, it will contain more mercury. We should eat the larger size fish, up to twice a month, shark fins, swordfish, mackerel, catfish, and Pan Touyu, these fish contain very high concentrations of mercury. Eat less.

q: Which fish or seafood is safe?

a: oysters, shrimp, halibut and scallops in a relatively low mercury content. And even if you choose to trout fish, shrimp, Pacific salmon, yellow croaker, mid-Atlantic blue crab, fish, crabs and black silk these relatively “healthy” food for a week to eat only two or three times, eating more will be the same as mercury poisoning. Salmon is also low levels of mercury, but there are other hazards. People are now aware of farm-raised salmon may contain a large number of polyethylene biphenyl, this chemical can cause liver, intestinal and skin cancer. Farm-raised salmon fish feed most of the dead fish or fish oil pollution, environmental organizations have suggested that such artificial fish can not serve as conventional foods, eat up to four times a month. Of course, the wild salmon is absolutely safe and nontoxic.

See: http://www.ihealth.com.cn/family_doctor/jiankangyinshi/200412/41167.html

I only know that side of the human superoxide Chaoshan
fish fond of eating fish high nutritional value. A child to eat more fish heads very intelligent people.
But we are not there, coastal areas, and few fish, are not so fond of eating fish has.
But I now entered the factory, the boss is the Chaozhou-Shantou, every day was fish to eat, those who said that if there were no fish, so they simply can not go on. I now see the fish a little sick to my stomach!

Bunao, is rich in vitamins, as well as many trace elements in the human body must be. there is no fat, eat no fat.

Su as saying that four legs is better than two legs, there are no legs than legs, and the nutritional value of fish is indeed higher than the animals, especially the multi-protein and cholesterol on the brain development of infants and young children help.

fish nutrient-rich, protein content was high, soft tasty digestible, high nutritional value, fat content is low.
third production is particularly rapid development in the vice industry, China’s annual fisheries production is also high, people are eating more affordable. And as China’s economic development, there is growing attention to themselves and their families health and nutritional status, for which everyone’s diet quality has been more and more scientific, quality-oriented.
To this end, as a cost-effective —– fish has become the people’s choice of food.

fish nutritious, high protein and animal protein and human proteins contain similar amino acid ratio, easy to absorb, is superior to plant protein, which is also rich in calcium.
In addition, the deep-sea fish also contains a large number of w-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids such as DHA, EPA, on human memory is good

fish nutrition is better than the meat, rich in human body need to trace elements and calcium, but does not contain fat, fish really good.06-01-01

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