离心泵的基本构造- 化工泵- 化工泵- 和讯博客
离心泵的基本构造 [转贴 2010-05-27 16:38:53]   

离心泵的基本构造是由六部分组成的,分别是:叶轮,泵体,泵轴,轴承,密封环,填料函。 1、 叶轮是离心泵的核心部分,它转速高出力大,叶轮上的叶片又起到主要作用,叶轮在装配前要通过静平衡实验。叶轮上的内外表面要求光滑,以减少水流的摩擦损失。 2、 泵体也称泵壳,它是水泵的主体。起到支撑固定作用,并与安装轴承的托架相连接。 3、 泵轴的作用是借联轴器和电动机相连接,将电动机的转距传给叶轮,所以它是传递机械能的主要部件。 4、 轴承是套在泵轴上支撑泵轴的构件,有滚动轴承和滑动轴承两种。滚动轴承使用牛油作为润滑剂加油要适当一般为2/3~3/4的体积太多会发热,太少又有响声并发热!滑动轴承使用的是透明油作润滑剂的,加油到油位线。太多油要沿泵轴渗出并且漂*,太少轴承又要过热烧坏造成事故!在水泵运行过程中轴承的温度{zg}在85度一般运行在60度左右,如果高了就要查找原因(是否有杂质,油质是否发黑,是否进水)并及时处理! 5、 密封环又称减漏环。叶轮进口与泵壳间的间隙过大会造成泵内高压区的水经此间隙流向低压区,影响泵的出水量,效率降低!间隙过小会造成叶轮与泵壳摩擦产生磨损。为了增加回流阻力减少内漏,延缓叶轮和泵壳的所使用寿命,在泵壳内缘和叶轮外援结合处装有密封环,密封的间隙保持在0.25~1.10mm之间为宜。 6、 填料函主要由填料,水封环,填料筒,填料压盖,水封管组成。填料函的作用主要是为了封闭泵壳与泵轴之间的空隙,不让泵内的水流不流v到外面来也不让外面的空气进入到泵内。始终保持水泵内的真空!当泵轴与填料摩擦产生热量就要靠水封管住水到水封圈内使填料冷却!保持水泵的正常运行。所以在水泵的运行巡回检查过程中对填料函的检查是特别要注意!在运行600个小时左右就要对填料进行更换。

“ Basic structure of centrifugal pump ”是由提供的水泵行业新闻,译文仅供参考。另外,中国离心泵网还提供相关产品搜索:、、、、等。

Basic structure of the centrifugal pump is composed of six parts, namely: impeller, shaft, bearings, seal rings, stuffing box. 1 centrifugal impeller is a core component of its speed higher than the force, the impeller blades on the major role they play, impeller assembly through the static test before. Impeller on the inside and outside surfaces required to be smooth to reduce flow friction loss. 2, pump, also known as the pump casing, which is the main water pump. Play a role in supporting fixed, and with the installation of the bearing bracket connected. 3 The role of pump and motor are connected by the coupling will pass impeller motor torque, so it is a transfer of mechanical energy of the main components. 4, the bearing is set on the support shaft in the shaft component, there are two kinds of rolling bearings and plain bearings. Rolling to use butter as lubricant oil to be appropriate is 2 / 3 3 / 4 size too much may have a fever, there are too few sound and heat! Transparent sliding bearings using oil as lubricant, fuel to the oil level line. Too much oil to be leaking and drift along the shaft *, too little overheated bearings and also burn the accident! Bearing in the pump during operation the maximum temperature of 85 degrees in the general run of 60 degrees, if we should find out the reasons high (whether impurities, oil is black, is water) and timely manner! 5, sealing ring, also known as leakage reduction ring. Impeller and pump casing of imports over the gap between high-pressure areas cause the pump's water flow through the clearance area of low pressure affecting the pump out water, reducing efficiency! Gap is too small will cause the impeller and pump casing friction and wear. In order to increase the return to reduce the internal leakage resistance and delay of the impeller and pump casing life of the pump impeller shell edge and foreign aid junction with sealing ring, sealing the gap remained at 0.25 ~ 1.10mm hydrometer. 6, stuffing mainly by the packing, seal ring, filler tube, packing gland, seal tubes. The main function of stuffing is to be closed between the pump casing and shaft gap, not to pump out the water does not flow to not let the outside air to enter the pump. Always maintain the vacuum inside the pump! When the pump and fill the water seal friction depends on the heat pipe to live on the water to seal circle to fill the cooling! To maintain the normal operation of pumps. So check the pump to run during the tour of inspection of the stuffing is the special attention! About running 600 hours on the packing should be replaced.

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