Strong demand for Shanghai's economy gradually popular type villa ...

as the real estate industry in a rather exceptional, villas market has been playing an irreplaceable role.

frequently compared with the tens of millions of billions of golf villas, Mid-level single-family villas, villas economic threshold of its lower prices and mature gradually into the life of supporting middle-income families. Especially in the past few years, high housing prices in Shanghai, the Central within the ordinary apartment prices continue to rise, coupled with the central urban area dwindling supply, a number of senior white-collar workers, senior management of enterprises in urban areas have not been able to purchase a suitable apartment, thus attention to the outskirts of the villa economy.

According to statistics, since the end of 2004, nearly a month more than half of the turnover of the Shanghai villas are concentrated in such products, and the southwest region as Shanghai Songjiang traditional villa where is the heaviest in heavy.

economic Villa popular, not only because of price factors, but also caters to the people of Shanghai and independence preference for multi-storey apartment house living habits. Prudent person in the eyes of Shanghai, the economy is not luxury villas, and living functions in no way inferior, with residential on the daily life of ordinary, dining, kitchen, storage and other sectors to consider, each type of landscape has increased towards and sunshine The balance, in addition to conventional design, but also more than a garage, gardens and attic.

With economic strength and quality of life of both raised, yearning for Villa life in a growing number of buyers in the beginning to show. The outskirts of the regional construction area of 200 square meters, the total price at around 150-300 million conjoined, stacking and other economic-type villa, with its relatively low price and comfortable living space has won a lot of buyers affirmation .

It is understood that the current economic model of the age structure of the villa consumers mainly concentrated in the 31-45 year-old. Compared with other age hierarchy ,31-45-year-old people in this age group more seriously personalized style villas. Earlier, the core concern of buyers at a lot, and the other is the traffic, but now there have been some changes. At present, some buyers are increasingly concerned about the villa building facade, if a villa facade one look like it, almost half the battle.

villa market in the future, and the policies will bring about certain pressure, but a stable relationship between supply and demand to make the villa market in a truly healthy and stable development. After all, the ultimate market is supply and demand-oriented, policy guidelines for the role only periodically.

In addition, the scarcity of land resources and product quality improvement, including the entire city of Shanghai positioning the development of good economic market as a whole house prices will show the trend of steady increases缓升.

the industry pointed out that with the single-family villa land granted to stop the impact of the gradual manifestation and buyers on the quality of life to pursue the further upgrading of economic villas will be very strong demand, the appreciation of space vis-à-vis the current Apartment products will also be larger.







据了解,目前的经济模型,年龄结构,别墅的消费者主要集中在31-45岁。与其他年龄层次,31 - 45岁的人在这一年龄组的更严重的个性化风格的别墅。早些时候,买家xx的核心是要打破行业垄断,二是交通,但现在出现了一些变化。目前,一些消费者也越来越关心别墅建筑门面,如果一个别墅门面一看喜欢它,几乎一半。




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