2006 East China pay salaries overall standings released Shanghai ...

Shanghai: The overall pay top National

So far, more than 340 various types of foreign investment and Sino-foreign joint venture financial institutions in Shanghai, 27 foreign banks located in the main report row Shanghai, and focus on the Chinese-funded commercial banks in the credit card center, capital operations center, such as 26 types of operations center. At the same time, major foreign investment in China headquarters and R & D centers have settled in Shanghai, Shanghai, there is no doubt the overall pay level ranked first. Foreign invested enterprises in Shanghai, in which layers of the annual cash income managers on average 27,000 -3.2 million; Senior Manager is 46,000 -5.4 million; Director layer up八九万dollars.

Xuzhou:榜眼city behind Shanghai

5 major state-level industrial park developed rapidly and has become a typical high-tech industry enterprise IT set group (including IC enterprise clusters), IT industry output has been 3,000 billion yuan, 40 percent of the world mouse, 1 / 5 of the notebook computers, 1 / 6 of the digital camera is “Xuzhou to create” ; the world’s top 500 have been charged 107 filtered ads

households Xuzhou, Xuzhou All this makes the overall pay level in Shanghai followed after the second. Xuzhou high-tech manufacturing enterprises of middle managers average annual cash income of 18 million, and gradually move closer to Shanghai.

Hangzhou: annual growth rate of more than 9%

in creating “leisure city” at the same time, the information industry, medicine, real estate, food and beverage , clothing and other textile industries has become a pillar industry of Hangzhou Economic and, “One project” has become the city’s economy “one high and one leading” the core driving force for the rapid development of high-tech industries, which attract high-end Hangzhou talent to flow, level of pay each year the growth rate of over 9%.

high-tech industry: the overall trend of steady growth

2006, the Tai in east China consultant lock 317 hi-tech industry benchmarking enterprises, carried out Pay research. Enterprises, including the distribution of software and systems integration, Internet, communications industry, IC manufacturing, IT manufacturing, and other areas of the various segments. The study found that in all segments, respectively, showing different areas of growth.

the Internet industry in the re-found the new business models, the industry has increased remuneration, the remuneration levels in one fell swoop over the last year — the oldest among the high-tech mobile phone industry in various fields First; the software industry has also ushered in the rapid development of one year to 12 percent increase in this year’s high-tech areas, the Sub-sectors with the highest rate of increase.

the real estate industry: the pay period in the consolidation

2002 years after the real estate industry in Shanghai, rising pay levels, the annual wage growth rate are more than 10%, but in 2005-2006, at the national macro-control, the Shanghai real estate an obvious slowdown in the overall level of remuneration. In 2006, according to research consultants Wo analysis, Shanghai’s real estate industry, the overall level of pay increase of nearly 8%.

refined to the level of salary increases for very different situation. Grade level in the company’s general manager, the salary range of up to 560,000 -152 million, nearly 3 times the span.

director-level personnel annual cash revenues in the range of roughly 268,000 -69.1 million; managers personnel annual cash revenues in the range of roughly 147,000 -36.8 million; executives The total annual cash income in the range roughly between 81,000 -19.6 million; professionals layer total annual cash income of roughly 52,000 -12.2 million.

salary structure of the real estate industry from the point of view, with the higher-level changes in the proportion of income increases markedly, and in 2006 director-level changes in the proportion of income is higher than in previous years. More and more enterprises to start watching a flexible benefits and employee satisfaction research settings.

consumer goods industry: the level of year-on-year pay raises

2006 the entire food and beverage sector pay levels remain higher than growth, but with high-tech and financial industries to more than, or have a certain gap. From the staff level to the pay levels of the competent layer curve, the food and beverage with the other two sectors the gap is not too great, this also reflected from the side of senior management positions in pay levels in the food and drink industries have a higher potential for very.

from the East China Food & Beverage industry at different levels in 2006 compared salary structure, the basic cash in 2006 as a proportion of total remuneration in the year-on-year growth in all levels. However, subsidies and welfare is reduced. In particular the subsidies for the more significant compression in 2005. Basic cash direct response to the increasing proportion of the enterprise demand for high-end staff positions, and strong reservations about the awareness.

Throughout East China Food and Beverage industry, another cause for concern is the phenomenon of low-level positions the high wastage rate. Qualifications as a result of the low substitutability high, the scarcity of low salaries of low-level management positions in the enterprise within a relatively low degree of importance.



到目前为止,已有超过340个不同类型的外国投资和中外合资金融机构在上海, 27家外资银行设在上海的主报告行,以及专注于中资商业银行信用卡中心,资金营运中心,如26个类型的营运中心。与此同时,外国投资主要在中国总部和研发中心落户在上海,上海,这是毫无疑问的整体薪酬水平排在{dy}位。外商投资企业在上海,其中层管理人员的年度现金收入平均27,000 -3.2万美元;高级经理是46,000 -5.4万美元;总层高达八九万美元。


5个主要国家一级的工业园区发展迅速,已成为一个典型的高科技产业集团企业IT一套(包括集成电路企业集群) , IT产业的产值已被3000亿元,百分之四十的世界鼠标, 1 / 5的笔记本电脑, 1 / 6的数码相机是“徐州市创建” ;世界500强已被落案控107过滤的广告


杭州:年增长率超过9 %

创造“康乐城”在同一时间,信息产业,医药,房地产,食品和饮料,服装和其他纺织品工业已成为支柱产业的杭州经济“的一个项目”已成为全市经济“一高一{lx1}”的核心驱动力的迅速发展,高新技术产业,吸引xx人才流入杭州,级别工资,每年的增长率超过9 % 。


2006年,大东顾问锁定317中国高技术产业xxxx,进行了薪酬研究。企业,包括分配的软件和系统集成,互联网,通讯产业, IC制造, IT制造,以及其他领域的各个环节。该研究发现,在各个阶层,分别显示不同地区的增长。



二○○二年后房地产行业在上海,上升的工资水平,年度工资增长率都超过10 % ,但在2005-2006年,在国家宏观调控,上海房地产明显放缓的整体薪酬水平。 2006年,根据太和顾问的研究分析,上海房地产行业整体水平的薪酬增长了近8 % 。

完善的水平,加薪的非常不同的情况。级别在该公司的总经理,薪金射程可达560,000 -152亿美元,近3倍跨度。

主任级人员的年度现金收入的范围大致268000 -69.1亿美元;管理人员的年度现金收入的范围内大约147,000 -36.8亿美元;高管年度总现金收入的范围大致与81,000 -19.6万美元;专业人员层年度现金总收入的大约52,000 -12.2亿美元。




从东中国食品饮料行业在不同层次相比, 2006年工资结构,基本现金在2006年的比例在薪酬总额比去年同期增长各级。然而,补贴和福利减少。特别是补贴,更重要的压缩在2005年。基本现金直接响应越来越多的企业需求的xx工作人员职位,并强烈的保留意见的认识。


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