两部委联合公布:中国的对两国猪肉产品的进口禁令« oursolo.net



两部委joint announcement: China’s ban on the importation of pork products between the two countries

Cyprus and Namibia as a result of the recent foot-and-mouth epidemic have happened, China’s Ministry of Agriculture and AQSIQ jointly issued a notice after another to prohibit the direct or indirect input from the two countries, such as pigs and sheep hoofed animals and their products.

It is understood that the Cyprus-type O foot and mouth disease occurred on October 22, Namibia foot and mouth disease occurred on November 7. China’s Ministry of Agriculture and AQSIQ jointly Notice that there is an outbreak between the two countries in the same day and after the dispatch of cloven-hoofed animals and their products, make return or destruction of all treatment. Mail or passengers from both countries to carry cloven-hoofed animals and their products imported, once discovered, will be returned or destroyed. To pass through our country’s international navigation of ships, aircraft and other means of transport, such as found in related products, are sealed. (07-12-5)

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