M,Happy CD~~~~ - final_hwh@126的日志- 网易博客

M,Happy CD~~~~

2010-06-01 20:09:28 阅读7 评论0 字号:

"u r just putting on a little weiht, u'll get that off easily~!!! M, when u read these words, will u hate me?"

"im always thin like a noodle~!!!"

O(∩_∩)O哈哈~ 充满童趣的对话拉开六月一号的序幕,今天M喉咙痛了,导致声音无法正常发出,这小姑娘肯定是前些时候,趁着天热,把新衣服都穿了个遍(话说最近买了N多衣服啊。。。)一直嚷着豆豆也要回来了,要穿新衣服给她看,好吧,My queen, in our world u r right forever~~~and as ur husband, i must give strong backing to u with no conditions. How lovely u r~!!!

M, in our second CD, u still look like a child (more and more child...), but that is the reason why i deeply love u ~~!!!

M, u r fool.....—3—

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