由珠海麒麟啤酒上半年销量为3 « Reuse world

今年上半年,珠海麒麟啤酒公司的销售业绩已经达到30%以上的增长,目前,在广东省珠海市唐家湾位于新厂项目正在积极推动下,明年年中才能完成并投入生产。珠海麒麟啤酒公司的前身是珠海啤酒厂,麒麟啤酒股份有限公司于1996年开始xx投资于工厂,去年年底达到了100%的股份,并正式命名为麒麟啤酒(珠海)有限公司有限公司,七四〇 〇 〇 〇 〇 〇美元注册资本,是有年能力12万公升。新工厂投产,年生产能力将达到4000万升。麒麟啤酒株式会社会长荒莳康一郎说,该公司历来重视环保工作将是加快发展,积极严格与当地政府合作,以保护生态环境。 06.9.8

Zhuhai Kirin beer sales by the first half into three

first half of this year, Zhuhai Kirin Brewery Company’s sales performance has been achieved over 30% growth, at present, is located in Zhuhai, Guangdong Province, Tangjiawan the new plant project is being actively promoted, the middle of next year can be completed and put into production. Zhuhai Kirin Brewery Company, formerly known as the Zhuhai Brewery, Kirin Brewery Co., Ltd. in 1996 started to invest in the plant, the end of last year achieved {bfb} of the shares and officially named Kirin Brewery (Zhuhai)Co., Ltd., registered capital of 74 million U.S. dollars, are Younian capacity 12 million liters. The new plant put into operation, the annual production capacity will reach 40 million liters. Kirin Brewery Co., Ltd. president Koichiro Aramaki said that the company has always attached importance to environmental protection work will be to accelerate the development of the strict and actively cooperate with local government to protect the ecological environment. (06-9-8)

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