

2010-05-25 11:29:41 阅读7 评论0 字号:

PRC as the aging of the hose connecting a gas tank leak, at 13:50 on the on the 20th or so, long segment Beiyuan Road, Danyang Village, a snack bar kitchen, Fire place. Alarm Danyang City Public Security Bureau command center, the rapid mobilization of Danyang Development Zone, Zhenjiang fire brigade officers and men of 12 Squadron went to the scene. 2 minutes after the rescue of officers and soldiers arrived at the scene and found a gas tank hose parts are burning right next to a gas tank, the high temperature baking, the risk of explosion at any time. Fire officers and men of the two gas cylinders immediately with water guns to cool. As the fire did not burn gas tank valve, a professional fire fighters wear gloves, under the cover of the valve in the gun off, fire has been completely eliminated. Reporter was informed by the officers and men from the rescue, the fire was due to the aging of a gas tank hose, causing the combustion gas leak you hear of fire. Fire this reminded the public that a gas tank hose to the regular examination revealed signs of aging immediately replaced, so as to avoid unnecessary loss of their own.
原文来自: http://www.shreveporttimes.com/article/20091205/NEWS01/91205007/1060

“Gas line valve release investigated”是由提供的阀门新闻,中文译文仅供参考,以下提供站内导航搜索:


本报讯 由于连接 煤气罐的软管老化泄露,20日下午1时50分左右,丹阳北苑路长段村一小吃店厨房发生一场火情。 丹阳市公安局指挥中心接警后,迅速调动镇江消防支队丹阳开发区 中队12名官兵赶赴事故现场。2分钟后救援官兵到达现场,发现煤气罐软管部位正在燃烧,旁边还有一只煤气罐,在高温烘烤下,随时有爆炸危险。消防官兵立即用水枪对两只煤气罐进行冷却。由于着火煤气罐 的阀门并没有烧坏,一名战士戴上消防专业手套,在水枪掩护下 把阀门关闭,火情被彻底消灭。 记者从救援官兵处获悉,起火原因是由于煤气罐软管老化,引起 煤气泄露遇着明火发生燃烧。消防就此提醒市民,煤气罐软管要经常检查,发现 有老化迹象要立即更换,以免给自己带来不必要的损失。


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