101、 Center for High Frequency Electronics, UCLA
     The Center for High Frequency Electronics is located in the Electrical Engineering Department at UCLA. The facility is available primarily to faculty, researchers and industrial affiliates for research that requires state-of-the-art design
102、 Center for Information & Communications Technology Research
103、 Center For Signal And Image Processing at Georgia Tech
     The Georgia Tech centre for signal and image processing is at the forefront of research and education in Digital signal processing (DSP)
104、 Centre for Communications Engineering
     Research and consultancy services in radio communications, bioelectromagnetics, mobile and broadband data and medical Based at the University of Ulster, UK.
105、 Collaboratory for Research on Electronic Work at the School of Information, University of Michigan
     research unit focusing on the design of new organizations and how the technologies of voice, data, and videocommunication make them possible.
106、 Consortium for Global Electronic Commerce
     university-industry endeavor for education, research and transfer of E-Commerce technologies.
107、 Electric Power, Inc.
     EPI is a company which offers a diverse group of services all of which pertain to power systems. Among these are System Analysis, Electrical Testing, Power Systems Studies, Design, Repair and Maintenance.
108、 Electrical Generating Systems Association (EGSA)
     trade association related to on-site electrical power generation. Site contains industry news, calendars, standards, links, and more.
109、 Eugene A. Fitzgerald's Research Group - MIT
     research in materials for electronic and optoelectronic applications such as optical interconnects, displays, optical storage, and printing.
110、 European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization (CENELEC)
     coordinates voluntary electrotechnical standards in Europe.
111、 Georgia Tech Interconnect Focus Center
     The overarching goal of the proposed research program is to discover and invent new solutions that will enable the US semiconductor industry to transcend known limits on interconnections that would otherwise decelerate or halt the historical rate of progr
112、 GSM Association
     responsible for the development, deployment and evolution of the Global System for Mobile Communication (GSM) standard for digital wireless communications and for the promotion of the GSM platform.
113、 IEEE signal processing society
     The Signal Processing Society's areas of interest are the theory and application of filtering, coding, transmitting, estimating, detecting, analyzing, recognizing, synthesizing, recording, and reproducing signals by digital or analog devices or technique
114、 Image Processing Group at King's College London
     Information on current research projects, a list of group publications and people involved. Finaly post-graduate courses in Imaging and Digital Image Processing at King's College London
115、 IMEC
     Microelectronics research and development service specializing in SOC, ULSI and VLSI platforms.
116、 Instrumentation and Signal Processing Group
     The work of the ISP research group is directed towards the development and use of new instrumentation and techniques for the acquisition and processing of information from both natural and man-made signal sources.
117、 Integrated Electronics Laboratory, Hanyang Unversity
     Researches characterizations, modeling, and design issues associated with high-speed VLSI circuits, IC packaging and interconnects, and RF circuits.
118、 International Communications Association
119、 International Communications Group
120、 International Electrotechnical Commission
     international standards and conformity assessment body for all fields of electrotechnology.
121、 International Institute for Communication and Development (IICD)
122、 International Institute of Communications
123、 International Interactive Communications Society (IICS)
124、 International Mobile Content Services
125、 International Semiconductor Technologies
126、 International Teleconferencing Association (ITCA)
127、 LeRC - ACTS - Advanced Communication Technology Satellite
128、 LeRC - Space Electronics Division
129、 Microelectronics Center of North Carolina - MCNC
     MCNC is a private, nonprofit corporation located in Research Triangle Park, North Carolina. MCNC provides advanced resources in electronic and information technologies to support education and industry and to enhance technology-based economic development in North Carolina.
130、 MobileWorld
     offers advice, technical information, secrets, articles, reviews, and more on mobile phones.
131、 National Center for Computational Electronics (NCCE)
     works to enhance the interdisciplinary interactions among several fields of research, including applied mathematics, physics, computer science, and electrical engineering.
132、 National Communication Association
     not-for-profit organization with a mission to promote study, criticism, research, teaching, and application of the artistic, humanistic, and scientific principles of communication.
133、 North Pacific Group, Inc.
     products include wood transmission and distribution poles, timber pilings, crossarms, railroad ties, crane mats, and industrial products.
134、 Oakland Institute for Gravitational Wave Research
     dedicated to the search for gravitational waves, with emphasis on the electronics engineering challenges.
135、 Osmose, Inc.
     offers utility pole inspection, treatment and, restoration. Also produces pressure-treated wood products.
136、 Pennsylvania State University
     Center for Information & Communications Technology Research - CICTR focuses on wireless communications techology research.
137、 Samsung Research Center
     development of scientific and technological relations with Russian research organizations, and coordination of joint works in the field of advanced electronic technologies.
138、 School of Electronic and Electrical Engineering at the University of Leeds
     Opportunities in teaching, learning and research. Formed from the Department and two research Institutes, opportunities for collaboration are offered across the School.
139、 Selah Group, Inc.
     electrical engineers working with industrial, utility, and commercial clients. We specialize in power, lighting, instrumentation, controls, and power distrubution. SCADA Systems.
140、 Semiconductor Manufacturing Technology(SEMATECH )
     an association of member companies cooperating precompetitively in key areas of semiconductor technology with a goal of accelerating development of advanced manufacturing technologies.
141、 Semiconductor Research Corporation
     plans and directs a long-term applied research program in semiconductor technologies
142、 Stanford University Signal Compression and Classification Group
     Signal Compression and Classification Group The Signal Compression and Classification Group of the Information Systems Laboratory in the Department of Electrical Engineering of the School of Engineering of Stanford University
143、 The American Electronics Association(AEA)
     for professionals in technology industries providing access to information, networking opportunities, employee benefits, risk management, and cost saving programs
144、 The Electronic Industries Alliance(EIA)
     a trade organization representing the United States high technology community, sponsoring technical standards development, market analysis, government relations, trade shows and seminar programs.
145、 The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
    电气与电子工程师协会(美国),promotes the engineering process of creating, developing, integrating, sharing, and applying knowledge about electrical and information technologies and sciences.
146、 The Institution of Electrical Engineers(IEE)
147、 The International Microelectronics And Packaging Society(IMAPS)
     dedicated to the advancement and growth of the use of microelectronics and electronic packaging through professional and public education, the dissemination of information
148、 The Joint Equipment Materials Initiative(JEMI – UK)
     represents the interests of manufacturers and suppliers of equipment, materials and services for the semiconductor manufacturing industry throughout England, Scotland, Ireland and Wales.
149、 TNO Physics and Electronics Laboratory (TNO-FEL
     The largest independent Dutch electronics research laboratory.
150、 UCLA Microwave Electronics Lab
     Professor Tatsuo Itoh's lab group
151、 UCT Digital Image Processing
     Home Page of the Digital Image Processing research group in the Electrical Engineering Department of the University of Cape Town
152、 University of California Society of Electrical Engineers
153、 Wireless Information Resource Center
     Researches the health effects of wireless technology, including effects from using mobile phones or living close to base station antennas.
154、 Yale Image Processing and Analysis Group Home Page
     Image Proccesing and Analysis group at Yale University.
155、 北京大学电子学系
156、 北京大学微电子学研究所
    黄昆院士,王阳元院士,吉利久教授,张利春教授,的 ASIC设计与设计方法学研究室、张利春教授领导的超高速集成电路 (VHSIC)研究室、王阳元院士领导的SOI器件与集成电路研究室、韩汝琦教授领导的新器件研究室、谭长华教授领导的小尺寸器件及其可靠性研究室、武国英教授领导的 MEMS技术研究室以及向全所开放的微电子科学技术实验室、 CAE实验室和测试实验室。
157、 北京理工大学电子工程系
    王越 教授;柯有安教授;匡镜明教授
158、 北京邮电大学程控交换技术与通信网xxxx实验室
159、 国家电力公司电力自动化研究院
160、 集成光电子学联合国家实验室
    半导体量子阱材料物理的研究和重要光电子器件物理、设计与工艺; 光波导器件设计与工艺实现; 光电子器件应用及其系统技术的研究; 高以智 教授;范崇澄 教授等 光电集成与光电子集成的物理与技术研究; 光电子新材料、新器件、新应用技术的研究.
161、 宽带光纤传输与通信系统技术xxxx实验室
162、 区域光纤通信网与新型光通信系统xxxx实验室
163、 深圳大学EDA工程技术研究开发中心
164、 通信电路与系统实验室
165、 微波与数字通信xxxx实验室
    数字密话网, 光纤拍长测试装置, 声显微镜, 汉字识别系统, 彩电CAD系统, 可编程信号处理, 微波电子共振等离子体, 可调谐外腔激光器,光频分复用鉴频器, 高速误码测试系统等科研,有周炳琨、吴佑寿院士和一批知名教授
166、 西南自动化研究所传感技术部
167、 中国电子产品可靠性与环境试验研究所
168、 中国电子学会
169、 中国工程咨询协会
170、 中国科学院电子学研究所
171、 17th International Conference on Data Engineering
     APRIL 2-6, 2001.IEEE Computer Society. Heidelberg, Germany. Contact: Andreas Reuter, +49 6221 533 200, fax: +49 6221 533 298.
172、 19th AIAA International Communications Satellite Systems Conference
     24、 APRIL 17-20, 2001.Toulouse, France. +33 5 6372 3071, fax: +33 5 6372 3032, email: .
173、 2001 IEEE International Vacuum Electronics Conference -(IVEC),02 Apr - 04 Apr 2001
     Grand Hotel Huis ter Duin Noordwijk, Netherlands
174、 2001 IEEE Rural Electric Power Conference,29 Apr - 01 May 2001
     Embassy Suites Little Rock, AR
175、 2001 IEEE/DATC Workshop on Electronic Design Processes,08 Apr - 10 Apr 2001
     DoubleTree Hotel Monterey, CA
176、 2001 IEEE/SEMI Advanced Semiconductor Manufacturing Conference and Workshop (ASMC),23 Apr - 24 Apr 2001
     International Congress Center Munich, Germany
177、 2001 雷达国际学术会议
178、 2001年中国国际大屏幕显示设备、数字电子信息产品、配套元器件展览会
179、 2001年中国国际电力电子、电源新技术、新产品展览会
180、 2nd IEEE International Vacuum Electronics Conference
     19、 APRIL 2-4, 2001,email: .
181、 51st Annual Conference of the International Communication Association May 24—28, 2001 Washington, DC, USA
182、 EvoIASP2001: 3rd European Workshop on Evolutionary Computation in Image Analysius and Signal Processing
     APRIL 20, 2001. Lake Como, Italy. Contact: Stefano Cagnoni, +39 0521 905731, fax: +39 0521 905723. Evolutionary Computation, Image Analysis, Computer Vision, Signal Processing, Genetic Algorithm, Genetic Programming.
183、 IEEE INFOCOM 2001 - 20th Annual Joint Conference of the IEEE Computer and Communications Societies
     APRIL 22-26, 2001. IEEE INFOCOM 2001 - 20th Annual Joint Conference of the IEEE Computer and Communications Societies. Anchorage, AK, USA. 202/371-1013, fax: 202/728-0884, email: .
184、 IPDPS 2001: IEEE International Symposium on Parallel & Distributed Processing
     APRIL 15-19, 2001.San Francisco, CA, USA. 202/371-1013, fax: 202/728-0884, email: .
185、 ITCC 2001: International Conference on Information Technology: Coding and Computing.
     20、 APRIL 2-4, 2001,email: Dr. Shahram Latifi.
186、 Radiation Transport Calculations using the EGS Monte Carlo System
     22、 APRIL 30 - MAY 3, 2001,Ottawa, Canada. Contact: Blake Walters, 613/993-2715, fax: 613/952-9865 .
187、 SMT/HYBRID/PACKAGING 2001 - System Integration in Micro Electronics Exhibition & Conference.
     ... p;ogplan=e&o...
     23、 APRIL 24-26, 2001.Nuremberg, Germany. +49-711-61946-0, fax: +49-711-61946-98, email: .
188、 Telecom Summit 2001: Broadband Connections
     APRIL 25-27, 2001.Dallas, TX, USA. 212/512-6281, fax: 212/512-6281, email: Julie Tarranova.
189、 The 8th International Conference on Neural Information Processing
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