健康的果汁饮料包装« Reuse world





SIG的康美包是一家专业从事以提供纸包装无菌灌装设备及包装材料的跨国公司,其无菌纸在全球领域的液态食品包装技术已被广泛使用,但也有国内奶制品果汁业的无菌纸包装的主要供应商。合作伙伴芬美意,Fortitech,巴斯夫公司是在其各自的国际跨国公司行业的{ldz},可以说是强强联手。这一伙伴关系的目的是在其{zxj}的技术和专门知识的研究和开发职能的预防性健康概念的使用为基础的饮料,该产品不仅需要符合全球健康饮食的趋势,但也有一一定的市场可能是前瞻性的,实际生产。因此,SIG和文化在泰国美研发亚洲CombiLab包中心被选定为新的研发实验室,研发需要提供产品测试和生产测试。 SIG康美包作为亚洲一揽子综合试验基地CombiLab,不仅可以提供从产品概念,配方原料到成品的研究和测试各种,他们还提供了一个小规模的成品油数量的测试,以确保新产品,从基本概念>确定公式>最终顺利完成,客户提供完善的配套服务。








中国饮料市场每年以双位数的发展速度持续增长,同时也变得越来越激烈的市场竞争。销售继续保持市场份额的同步增长,积极扩大和饮料制造商需要把重点放在除了品牌建设和产品设计,而非公司化差异加强,把握市场脉搏,抓住市场机遇,发展以满足对新产品的消费者真正需要的,变化是尤为关键。健康是永恒的主题,健康饮料的概念也将永远热饮料市场。 06.9.7

Healthy juice drinks packaging

World Health Organization announced the “top ten health problems in 2005,” the investigation report, which has become a chronic threat to human health, one of the most important issue. Heavy work pressure, diet and lifestyle changes are an important factor leading to chronic diseases, human health a sense of urgency. How can health? In addition to regular exercise and psychological balance, a reasonable diet is the key, which the concept of healthy eating in the global drinks market has been fully reflected

in accordance with current global trends in the development of beverages and beverage products characteristics can be classified as four categories: “fun”, “healing”, “convenient” and “health”, and the characteristics of each can be subdivided into a number of product characteristics. According to the United States and SIG, Culture and Sport packages collected in 2005 show a global new products, health products has become a global beverage industry’s major trends, reflecting the global beverage market consensus on the concept of convergence of health and consumer demand for healthy eating.

which the convergence of health awareness in China’s beverage market in recent years also have been fully confirmed. Throughout the years the Chinese beverage market development, product from the traditional single fruity carbonated cola soft drink developed to beverages, and later the juice drinks, water and tea drinks, etc. In recent years, China’s beverage market is flourishing New Permian out, with the consumer health awareness and improve product awareness to strengthen the consumer has not only satisfied the thirst-quenching beverage products function and changes in tastes, while beverage products, health and nutrition features put new demands: juice products in the emphasis on differences of tastes and new product concept has also begun to focus on the improvement of fruit juice content in different fruit juice mixture of nutrients, beneficial to human pulp fiber or add Utricle; the concept of healthy fruits and vegetables are increasingly market acceptance; tea from black tea and green tea tastes have developed to function with the health of the different taste, additives and sugar content of the new type of tea beverages; traditional Chinese herbal tea and flowers are more popular in river north and south overnight, in order to consumers love; healthy green tea extract is added to the different types of drinks and was publicity; to supplement the water balance of various body fluids is characterized by the sports drinks are also widely favored by consumers; and has some special features and improve the function of the body expression is also an endless stream of drinks for the rapid development of China’s beverage market, has injected new vitality.

in these thousands of health for the demands of the functional beverage products, which products are truly representative of the concept of healthy beverages future development trends and effectively meet the consumer’s functional and emotional needs? According to the United States and SIG, Culture and Sport packages collected data indicate that the global new products in 2005 with the prevention of functional beverage products occupy the majority, that is to emphasize disease prevention and physical health and functional beverage products are the current global hot drinks market.

According to the research findings, in 2005 the United States and SIG, Culture and Sport package is located in Thailand’s CombiLab joint R & D center in Asia in the global beverage industry’s leading fragrance, additives and ingredients company Firmenich, Fortitech, BASF have jointly developed health prevention function a new type of beverage. Kangmei

SIG Pack is a professional in order to provide the paper packaging aseptic filling equipment and packaging materials-based multinational companies, and its aseptic paper packaging technology in the global field of liquid foods has been widely used, but also domestic dairy products and fruit juice industry primarily sterile paper packaging suppliers. The partners Firmenich, Fortitech, BASF Corporation is the industry leader in their respective international multinational corporations, can be described as strong combination. The partnership is aimed at the use of their leading-edge technology and expertise to research and development functions with the concept of preventive health-based beverages, the product not only requires a healthy diet in line with the global general trend, but also have a certain market may be forward-looking and actual production of . Therefore SIG and Culture in Thailand-US R & D center in Asia CombiLab package was selected as the new R & D laboratories, R & D required to provide product testing and production test. SIG Combibloc CombiLab as a package in Asia a comprehensive test base, not only can provide from the product concept, formulation ingredients to finished product all kinds of research and testing, they also offer a small-scale quantities of finished filling tests to ensure that the new products from basic concept -> determine the formula -> eventually finished smoothly, providing customers with perfect supporting services.

the concept of cooperative R & D products mainly include three major topics: health, enhance immunity, heart health:

1. the concept of health drinks (low content of fruit juice): Health is a comprehensive concept of , including physical, psychological and mental health, and physical health are the most fundamental and important aspect. Of a healthy lifestyle, reasonable diet and exercise to maintain good physical health are the principal means, at the same time the right time to add the body of vitamins and trace elements are also required to ensure that the key to good health. Food technology, food safety, food quality system, additives, food nutrition

the products containing 6% apple juice grapefruit and pomegranate flavor drinks, at the same time has added antioxidant lycopene and Beta Carrot Su-health functions, as well as synthetic nutrient premix. Product positioning in the light, refreshing health drinks, the main concern for the health of 18-45 year-old consumers, in the supplementary body of water at the same time gave the body to provide the necessary vitamins and microelements.

2. enhance immunity beverage (fruit juice content in the middle): the immune system are the body’s first line of defense, physical reactions are complex systems, including skin, gastrointestinal, nasal mucosa, blood, lymph nodes and other organs and tissues . The immune system is the body of harmful substances, and invasive nature conservation measures to combat bacteria, viruses, parasites and cancer cells harmful substances such as invasive on the body. Vitamins and minerals can improve the body’s immune system, good immune system health are protected.

the series of products containing 25% apple juice passion fruit flavor drinks, rich in vitamin C and help clean the body of the aloe trash particles, at the same time improve immune function added with synthetic nutrient premix . Product positioning in the nutritional beverages, mainly of people with health awareness, providing the body the necessary vitamins and minerals, play enhance human immunity function.

3. heart health drink (high content of fruit juice): According to global disease and affect human health problems, statistical analysis, heart disease is the second largest cancer killer of human health. Coronary heart disease which is one of the major cardiovascular disease, which is due to fat accumulation in the arterial wall, impeding the blood in the body transport oxygen and nutrients, when the blood vessel is blocked, the blood should not flow to the brain and lead to heart disease and stroke. Requirements on the human body vitamins, minerals and trace elements in a timely complement to play a role in heart health.

the series of products is {bfb} natural fruit juice and containing capsule, rich in vitamin C and add mental health, synthetic nutrient premix. Product positioning in the pulp of pure natural fruit juice products, mainly targeted at adults with health awareness, providing needed mental health, vitamins, minerals and trace elements.

of the three series of products are fruit juice-based beverage products, through the formula has to add features with a healthy variety of synthetic nutrients, vitamins, minerals and trace elements, have reached a disease prevention, physical health and enhance the usefulness of body functions in full compliance with the global consumer trend of healthy eating, while the United States and SIG and Culture of the sterile paper packets sophisticated packaging technology for excellent quality of products provides a reliable protection.

China’s beverage market every year to double-digit pace of development continued to grow, while also becoming increasingly fierce market competition. Sales continued to maintain a simultaneous increase in market share and actively expand and beverage manufacturers need to focus on apart from brand building and strengthening of product differentiation than corporatization, and grasp the pulse of the market and to seize the market opportunity to develop to meet the real needs of consumers of new products, change was particularly critical. Health is the eternal topic, and the concept of health drinks will also be Forever hot beverage market. (06-9-7)

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