* 适用于各种需要冷藏的水质采样:如暴雨水,工业排放,水和废水处理,废水收集系统,过程控制,下水道及河流等
* 可进行时间加权混合采样,满瓶离散采样,流量比例采样
* 操作简单-无编程要求,通过旋钮开关直接设置
* 脉冲输出用于数据记录器(选购)
* 可延时启动定时采样或外部脉冲控制采样
* 采样体积可调,可重复设置
* 蠕动泵防止样品污染,自动反冲洗采样管和过滤器
* 重量轻,易于携带,坚固的结构适于恶劣环境
* 可充电电池或AC电源供电
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运行温度 32° to +158°F (0° to +70°C)
材料 外壳: Expanded UV protected PVC
瓶子: 2.5 gallon Polyethylene
软管: 15' reinforced PVC 1/4" ID polyethylene flexible tubing section with intake strainer
泵管道: Norprene 1/4" ID, 7/16” OD
采样泵 流量: 1000 ml per minute at a 4 foot head
形式: Peristaltic
{zd0}提升度: ~20 feet
电源 Internal 12V Rechargable Battery with AC 120 VAC adapter/charger
待机: 3 months while still retaining enough power to run the pump to capacity
启动延迟 16 time settings from 0 to 12 hours
合并间隔 15 time settings from 5 min. to 12 hours plus an External Trigger mode setting
样品尺寸 15 composite sample sizes from 50 ml to 2 liters plus a Full Bottle discrete setting (Approximate sizes at 4 foot head)
外部触发器输入 250mS minimum pulse width
Switch closure or 4-24VDC
脉冲输出 5VDC one-second pulse
1000ohm output impedance
瓶转换器输入 Switch closure input
Floating switch in bottle
雨水传感器 Optional moisture sensors or switch closure inputs
内部保险丝 10A Slow-Blow
尺寸 27x20x20 inch (69x51x51 cm) (HxWxD)
重量 40 lb (18 kg) (Shipping Weight 42 lb (19 kg)) 。