世界滑板日VANS北京上海成都活动预告(VANS CELEBRATES GO ...
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28 May 2010 184 views 2 Comments   

北京-2010年6月20日: 6月20日,Vans和中国的滑板人一起庆祝世界滑板日。Vans定制了一条意义特别的滑板路线,将三个城市中每个孕育并代表了该城市滑板和街头文化的潮流胜地都串连起来,夜晚还有音乐派对和艺术展。此次活动Vans与上海,北京,成都的滑板渠道客户共同合作组织,同时邀请了一位特别的嘉宾-滑板运动的狂热爱好者,xx影星夏雨一起来庆祝这项运动并且向滑板文化致敬。
In honor of International Go Skateboarding Day, Vans brings Chinese skateboarding community together on June 20th. To skate the best skateboarding spots and parks in Shanghai, Beijing and Chengdu, with an evening event of music and art show. Vans has partnered with core skate accounts in SH, BJ & CD, and invited a special guest, a long-time skater, the famous movie star Xia Yu, to celebrate the sports and culture of skateboarding.

世界滑板日每年6月21日举行,是由IASC(International Association of Skateboard Companies)在2003年6月21日组织发起的。始于非官方的滑板中心-美国南加州,当时只是一些简单的滑板项目和BBQ聚会。滑板日活动的举行是为了激起滑板爱好者更多的热情与激情,同时希望更多的人们了解并接受滑板运动。这{yt},放下一切,尽情去滑板。
诞生于1966年的Vans是极限运动鞋款品牌的鼻祖,为了向这一品牌根基致敬,同时为了介绍Era,这款在1976年由滑板界xx人物Tony Alva 和Stacy Peralta与Vans共同创造出的世界上{dy}双滑板鞋,Vans在亚洲不同国家启动这项世界性活动。
“ 我们非常兴奋地再次将中国滑板人聚集到一起,和我们全体工作人员庆祝我们第二年的滑板日活动,同时我们也邀请了许多新朋友加入,让他们也发现和理解滑板文化。为了让更多的人可以参与本次滑板日活动,我们特意将时间提前到6月20日,周日举行,另外我们还有艺术展和音乐派对共同庆祝当天的活动。” Vans运动市场经理Mathew Morgan说。

作为滑板鞋的鼻祖,Vans为滑板爱好者创造了非常齐全的一系列鞋子和服饰产品。Vans支持草根滑手,无论是国内水平还是国际水平。并且拥有自己的pro team ,签约的滑手包括:Geoff Rowley, Tony Trujillo, Dustin Dollin, Anthony Van Engelen, Bucky Lasek ,Omar Hassan, legends Tony Alva, Steve Caballero, Jeff Grosso 以及Christian Hosoi. Vans每年都会举行两场{sjj}的{dj1}滑板赛事:the Pro-tec Pool Party 以及the Vans Downtown Showdown来不断推进滑板运动的发展。

Go Skateboarding Day, held on June 21st every year, is the official oliday of skateboarding. The holiday began on June 21, 2003 and was founded by the International Association of Skateboard Companies ( IASC) and began witih a few simple skate sessions and BBQs held in skateboarding’s unofficial capital, Southern California. Go Skateboarding Day gives passionate skateboarders, as well as those who are simply inspired by skateboarding, the opportunity to drop everything and get on a skateboard.

In a homage to Vans roots as the original action sports footwear brand since 1966, and introducing the world’s first skateboarding shoe, the Era, in 1976, designed in partnership with skateboarding Legends Tony Alva and Stacy Peralta; Vans is excited to activate this global event across multiple countries in Asia Pacific.

“We’re super excited to bring the Chinese skateboarding community together again for the 2nd year in a row to celebrate skateboarding with the local crew, as well as to invite new participants to discover skateboarding culture. This year to maximize participation, we will hold the event on Sunday, June 20th, with art show and music to celebrate it!” Said Mathew Morgan, Vans Sports Marketing Manager.
The BJ event kicks off at Wang Fujin Church, ends in Yu Gong Yi Shan Live Hse with the Top local Punk Band REFLECTOR’s performance and Xia Yu’s presence to celebrate the date. The Shanghai event starts at #706 Changle Rd Vans store, and the Chengdu event begins at Vans Retail Store at Di Yi Cheng, passes by the Chairman Mao’s statues on Ren Min Rd and all events are with lots of drinks and fantastic music in the local popular bars.
Vans is excited to bring the annual event to all Chinese youth to inspire their self expression!
About Vans
Vans, the original skate shoe maker, creates a full range of footwear and apparel for skaters. Vans supports grassroots skateboarding at both the local and national level and through our pro team that includes skaters such as Geoff Rowley, Tony Trujillo, Dustin Dollin, Anthony Van Engelen, Bucky Lasek and Omar Hassan as well as legends Tony Alva, Steve Caballero, Jeff Grosso and Christian Hosoi. Vans stages two of the world’s most progressive skate contests in the Pro-tec Pool Party and the Vans Downtown Showdown.

For more information on Vans please visit &
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