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Manly 区的Lindsay Rogers在一家自助洗衣店内往洗衣机里装衣服,当他转过身时,他的只有4个月大的波斯猫通过开着的门钻进了装满脏衣服的洗衣机内。







Kitten survives 30 minutes in a washing machine

A FOUR-month-old female kitten survived 30 minutes in a spinning washing machine in Sydney after she crawled inside a load of dirty laundry while her owner's back was turned.
The Manly Daily said Lindsay Rogers was loading the washing machine at the laundromat in the northern Sydney suburb of Manly when the Persian kitten, named Kimba, sneaked into the open door of a machine filled with dirty clothes.
Mr Rogers turned around, closed the door and switched on the machine without realising Kimba was inside.
"I put the clothes in, put the powder and the fabric softener in, put it on a cold wash - which was very lucky - and put it on for a 30-minute cycle," he said.
"When I opened the door, it just went 'meow' and stuck its head out.
"I couldn't believe it - the spin cycle at the end goes really fast and I couldn't believe it survived."
He rushed Kimba to the local vet and she was put on an intravenous drip. After a couple of hours Kimba was stable and "purring like a little motor", Rogers said.