《床头灯儿童英文故事2》(7)---《Cat See, Cat Do》_michael_新浪博客




《Cat See, Cat Do》


Cat me.

Cat you.

Cat see.

Cat do.

Cat on the left.

Cat on the right.

Cat in the middle.

Cat up a three.

Cat out of sight.

Cat on the ground.

Cats in a bunch monkeying around.

Cats stay.

Cats go.

Cats go slow.

Cats go fast.

Cats walk.

Cats run.

Cats have some cat fun.

Cats bend.

Cats reach.

Cats lie along the beach.

Cats swim.

Cats row.

Cats swing to and fro.

Cats play while the sky is bright.

Cats sleep through the night.

Good night.


5月7日开始学了《床头灯儿童英文故事2》中{zh1}一个故事了,你高兴的说我可以学第三册了,里面有racing car的。

《Cat See, Cat Do》这个小故事用动作学习来比较轻松,但你总把swing读成swim


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