食品塑料包装新技术进展« Reuse world







英国研究人员最近研制成功一种xx的PHB塑料包装材料的新类型,可广泛用于食品包装行业。通过使用技术培菌,用糖产生一种xx,然后通过特殊的加工工艺类似的聚丙烯材料制成的技术。该产品xx,可生物降解,对环境没有污染。 06.9.6

Food plastic packaging new technologies progress

November 2005, according to reports, U.S. scientists using plasma vapor deposition technology, in addition to form a layer of plastic bottles soft polyester film, enabling the bottle to keep fresh food loaded. According to introduction, the plastic surface coating can reduce more than 10% oxygen. Coating similar to quartz, the thickness of less than 3 millimeters, and the plastic bottles in recycling is not necessary for the special treatment.

2005 years 6 months, the United Kingdom a company successfully developed a new type of plastic food packaging, with two types of passive and active barrier function, can effectively inhibit the infiltration of oxygen, even in the food bag after cooking, the role is still will not be weakened. New packaging can not only prolong the shelf life of food packages, but can also direct the use of microwave heating, particularly suitable for packaging convenience foods. This new packaging from 6 layer composite made of different materials. The first layer of polypropylene - an oil-based polymeric materials with high resistance; second layer and fourth layer is sticky and plastic, between the polymeric materials are oxygen resistance EVOH (passive barrier); the fifth layer is a mixture of Oxygen Scavenger , called the initiative barriers, not only can prevent external oxygen molecules to enter, but also adsorption of oxygen packaging; are Finally a layer of polypropylene material. Polypropylene manufacturing dairy products are ideal heating material containers, EVOH materials in high-temperature sterilization process, as a result of moisture ingress, resulting in reduced barrier function, 50 days after the Products have the possibility of discoloration and变味. The new packaging, Oxygen Scavenger, even in the case of water has still be able to maintain activity, thus ensuring the shelf life of foods.

Mississippi United States has taken the city of Troy in the conventional packaging bag Add a layer of plastic film packaging methods, the initial received good results. The film contains a chemical known as Amosorp material, can remove oxygen packaging bags. After a long period of repeated experiments show that deposited in the fresh new bag of food, can achieve the effect of long-term preservation. Australia Wayne Hand Lorsban also conducted similar studies. Scientists have taken to fill a plastic bag of mixed chemical substances produced in the method, but does not carry out deaeration, but the elimination of pockets to promote the fruit ripe, metamorphic gases, so that long-term preservation of fruits. Australian research group has also conducted a pilot deaerator chemicals. The physical properties of substances with similar Amosorp only better preservation. It is said that the material in the special light before irradiation, has been in hibernation, when the acceptance of light irradiation, in which chemical molecules only become active. That is to say, in packaged foods, the need for complex treatment deaerator, as long as the last line of packaged foods with special light irradiation process can be.

in order to prevent this from happening, the German scientists using medicine expertise, developed a anti-bacterial plastic food packaging materials in order to prevent the propagation of these uninvited guests. Such packaging using the latest surface coating technology, in the plastic packaging films add a layer of anti-corrosion coating of antibacterial material, to replace preservatives in foods to add to further enhance the safety of food packaging. This coating can be material such as composite resin-based material and a special technique. It is said that this new technology are an important food packaging change, it can not have food preservatives to prevent food mildew will be able to play a role.

Canada Toxin Alert Inc. developed a new pathogen testing of packaging material. The package material can be detected Salmonella, Campylobacter, E. coli 0157, four kinds of pathogenic bacteria Listeria monocytogenes. When packet materials come into contact with contaminated food happen when the discoloration reaction. The package material can also be used to detect pests or genetically engineered protein characteristics of foods. Group were 80% for the polymer film, and the rest are metal foil and sheet.

France launched a general use of polyvinyl chloride materials into new packaging films, food packaging can be identified by whether or not to use genetically modified raw materials. The use of such special treatment by the use of PVC packaging film, can determine the contents of this package such as soya bean oil for raw materials made from genetically modified soybeans, even though only 5-10% containing genetically modified soybeans also clearly confirmed. The packaging film is mainly used in southern Europe, cultivated for non-genetically modified soybean, as a follow-up inspection and guarantee the flow of the process is not genetically modified soybean gruel of raw materials.

British researchers have recently successfully developed a new type of bacterial PHB plastic packaging materials, can be widely used in food packaging industry. The technology through the use of technology-pui bacteria, use sugar to produce a kind of bacteria, and then made through special processing technology similar to polypropylene materials. The product non-toxic, biodegradable, no pollution to the environment. (06-9-6)

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