气动调节阀介绍- 中国调节阀网- 中国调节阀网- 和讯博客
气动调节阀介绍 [转贴 2010-05-25 11:28:16]   

气动调节阀由气动执行机构和调节阀两部组成。执行机构是执行器的推动装置,它以压缩空气为动力,输出推力;调节阀是执行器的调节部分, 直接与介质接触,调节介质的流量。由于气动调节阀具有结构简单,动作可靠,输出推力大,维修方便,防火防爆和价廉等优点,气动调节阀广泛应用于化工、石油、冶金、电力、轻纺等 工业生产过程的自动调节和远程控制中。 气动调节阀在公称压力和 温度范围内可调节各种液体、气体和蒸气,气动调节阀关闭时泄漏量小。 气动调节阀按执行机构的作用方式可达到气开或气闭之目的。

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Pneumatic valve by the pneumatic actuator and control valve 2 composition. Implementing agency is the implementation of the push device, it powered by compressed air, the output thrust; control valve is the implementation of the regulation in part, directly contacts with the media, regulating the flow of media. As the pneumatic control valve has a simple structure and reliability, the output thrust a large, easy maintenance, fire and explosion, and the advantages of cheap, pneumatic valves are widely used chemical, petroleum, metallurgy, electricity, textile and other industrial processes adjust and remote control. Pneumatic control valve in the nominal pressure and temperature can be adjusted within a variety of liquids, gases and steam, pneumatic control valve off a small amount of leakage. Pneumatic valve actuator according to the mode of action can be open air or gas close to the purpose.

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