How to clean and disinfect the tank How to clean and maintain the tank
Whether the fish tank is clean enough or not has a long life for the small fish inside the fish tank. Therefore, the cleaning and disinfection of fish tanks is a key issue for the life of fish. Then how to clean the fish tank, how to clean and disinfect the fish tank? Next, Shengrong Furniture Xiaobian shares the cleaning of the fish tank with everyone.
Fish tanks not only need to be cleaned and sterilized during use, but also cleaning before use is very important. Before using the new fish tank, it must be thoroughly cleaned. It can use 1-2 barrels that have not been exposed to detergents or other chemicals before; clean the inner and outer walls of glass with hot water and a rag or sponge, plus some white vinegar (or vinegar). Wipe the glass. Refill with water and observe for 2-3 hours. If there is no leakage, use it.
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