南水北调万年闸泵站通过验收- kaidabengye - kaidabengye - 和讯博客
南水北调万年闸泵站通过验收 [转贴 2010-05-27 14:00:24]   

原文:South Gate pumping station years passed the acceptance
Journalists from the province of South Bureau, May 25, North Water Transfer Project of years passed the acceptance test run pumping station gate, has been equipped with water conditions. North Water Transfer Project Planning, water from the Yangtze River raised step by step along the Grand Canal water to the north, the East Line of years gate pumping station is the eighth-level pumping station, also in Shandong pumping station within the second stage, the main task together with Hanzhuang pump station, water diversion from a Luoma to 125 cubic meters Nansihu / s objective of providing the city water, industrial water, taking into account flood control and flood season Hanzhuang Canal dedicated transport, supplemented by improve water shipping conditions. Project started in November 2004 construction started in December 2007 pump unit installed in September 2009 the main pump station project be completed.
原文来自: http://www.google.com.hk/news

South Gate pumping station years passed the acceptance ; 是由提供的阀门新闻,中文译文仅供参考(上海凯达自动化给水设备有限公司还生产 及液下泵 ,料浆泵 ,胶体磨 试压泵 ,卫生泵 ,更多水泵 ,欢迎您的选购。)


  记者从省南水北调局获悉,5月25日,南水北调东线一期工程万年闸泵站试运行通过验收,已具备通水条件。 南水北调东线工程规划从长江下游引水沿京杭运河逐级提水北送,万年闸泵站是东线工程的第八级梯级泵站,也是山东境内第二级提水泵站,主要任务是与韩庄泵站一起,实现从骆马湖向南四湖调水 125立方米 /秒的目标,提供城市生活用水、 工业用水,兼顾韩庄运河段防洪和度汛专用交通,辅以改善水上航运条件。 工程于2004年 11月开工建设,2007年12月开始水泵机组安装,2009年9月泵站主体工程全部完工。

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