——和中{dj2}{zx1}资讯报道(部分段落翻译) 和中移民从澳大利亚移民局网站上获悉,澳大利亚政府会重点调整移民项目使之更加适合社会中的技术短缺,但政府会保持现有的移民项目的总体规模。 移民项目的总体规模会保持现有的168,700配额不变,这其中包括技术移民和商业移民配额113,850个,家庭类配额54,550个和300个特殊资格配额。 技术和商业移民的总体配额会增加5750个。这包括额外的9150个雇主提名移民配额,而一般技术移民配额将减少的3600个。同时,另外增加200个商业类移民配额。 家庭类移民配额将减少5750个。家庭移民签证会继续发放,家庭成员可以获得临时签证来澳洲探访亲属。 (新闻来源:澳大利亚移民局新闻中心) Budget 2010–11—Government sharpens focus of skilled migration program Tuesday, 11 May 2010 The Government will sharpen the focus of the skilled migration program on areas of skills shortage but will maintain the current overall size of the migration program, the Minister for Immigration and Citizenship, Senator Chris Evans, said today. The overall size of the migration program will remain unchanged with a total of 168 700 places, comprising a total skill stream of 113 850 places, a total family stream of 54 550 places and 300 special eligibility places. The overall level of skilled migration will increase by 5750 program places. This includes an additional 9150 program places for employer-sponsored skilled migration and a decrease of 3600 places for general skilled migration. An additional 200 visas in the business skills visa category will also be offered. There will be a reduction in the level of family migration by 5750 program places. Family migration visas will continue to be granted and family members can gain access to temporary visas to travel to Australia to visit family members. --------- 为 什 么 要 办 理 移 民 ? --------- ◆ 获得海外永居身份,轻松通行100多个国家 ------------- 和 中· 您 的 私 人 移 民 专 家 ------------- 和中办理移民的优势:
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