数码相框的选择- 上网的猪的博客- 上网的猪- 和讯博客
数码相框的选择 [翻译 2010-05-19 16:49:59]   


  数码相框的主要功能是播放照片,画面的清晰度显然是我们首要考虑的问题。比起视野有限的狭小屏幕,大屏幕数码相框越来越成为市场的宠儿。纽曼 8602和飞利浦7FF1的显示屏均达到7寸;而同方MDF801则是8寸宽屏,MDF701也具备7寸的主流尺寸,两款产品均采用了16:9的黄金比 例,让用户大有“面子”,“大有可观”。
  除了屏幕大小,画面效果还主要由“分辨率”、“对比度”等因素决定。分辨率是我们衡量图片显示清晰度的最基本点,分辨率越高,表现的细节越丰 富,效果也越清晰。目前,市场上数码相框的分辨率都达到了较高水准,爱国者F5003是480×234;而飞利浦7FF1更达到了720×480。相比之 下,同方MDF801的分辨率高达800×480。
  众所周知,对比度比值越大,色彩表现越丰富,图片也就越亮丽。同方MDF801、MDF701的对比度分别达到“350:1”、 “300:1”,能充分展示出色彩艳丽饱满、图像逼真的珍贵瞬间。这两款产品的支持像素也高达1600万,足以让记忆中的精彩瞬间清晰呈现。那变化多端的 云朵、绵延不绝的山脉、随风飘动的经帆,让人百看不厌……
  而同方MDF801、MDF701不仅支持MP3、WMA等音频格式,还能支持MPEG1、MPEG2、MPEG4、AVI、DAT、VOB、 MPG等格式的视频播放,且具备动态控制、重低音处理等功能,保证声音纯正圆润、清晰明亮、真实自然。同时,这两款产品还可实现图片自动幻灯播放,用户可 自由设置浏览间隔时间。试想一下,在静静的午后,躺在沙发上,一边欣赏着桌上数码相框的变幻,一边听着那久违的乐曲,该是多么美好和惬意!
  科技的趋势是使人们生活日趋便利,快捷、人性化的操作方式也成了我们挑选数码产品的关键因素之一。同方MDF801、MDF701特制了迷你遥 控器,用户只需轻轻一按,即可实现相片的轻松切换。而比起飞利浦7FF1的48分钟锂电源使用时间,同方MDF801、MDF701内置1600mAh聚 合物锂电池,可以脱离电源使用100分钟,为持续展现美丽瞬间、分享幸福时刻提供了更强劲的保障。
  不仅如此,同方MDF801、MDF701都具有数千张电子照片的存储量,能彻底解放电脑里积压已久的空间。同时,它们还配备了USB接口和三 合一读卡器,可以轻松读取U盘、SD、MMC、MS存储卡中的影音图像文件,强兼容性让使用者不必为硬件问题而担心。此外,作为一款时尚的数码精灵,同方 MDF801的爵士白彰显沉静典雅、而MDF701的橘红色预示热情奔放,再配上全金属材料、质感十足的支架,无论怎样摆放,都能与家居环境绝妙地融为一 体。




Life is good and people always have many beautiful moments to keep. Digital photo frame (DPF), which saves the trouble of buying albums and developing them all out, has become the first choice for digital lovers. But how can we buy a good DPF with an inexpensive price?


After a comparison of several currently mainstream DPFs, I have a conclusion of knowledge of selective purchasing DPFs. We should select the DPFs in term of picture quality, video functions and operations. I hope the following ideas may help:


Bigger and clearer


As the major function of a DPF is playing pictures, we should give top priority to the clarity of the picture. Compared to a narrow screen, the DPF with a bigger one is increasingly welcomed by the market. The screens of both Newman 8602 and Philips 7FF1 have reached 7 inches. Tongfang MDF801 has reached 8 inches and MDF 701 has reached 7 inches. Both Tongfang products have adopted the golden ratio of 16:9, giving you “a bigger picture to watch”.


Besides the size of the screen, the appearance of the picture mainly depends on the resolution and the contrast. Resolution is the basic ratio used to measure the clarity of the picture. When the resolution is higher, there’ll be more details presented and the picture will be clearer. At present, the resolution of the DPF sold in the market has reached a high level, for example, AIGO F5003 is 480*234, Philips7FF1 is 720*480 and Tongfang MDF801 even has reached 800*480.


It’s well known that a higher contrast leads to a richer and brighter picture. The contrasts of Tongfang MDF801 and MDF 701 have respectively reached 350:1 and 300:1, therefore they can fully present a colorful and vivid picture of the precious moment. Both of the Tongfang products have a pixel of 16 million, able to show a clear picture of the wonderful moments ---- the moving clouds, winding mountains and the waving sails --- you’ll never get bored by watching them.


Waking up your ears


We’re living in a time people paying attention to connotation. To catch the eye, the DPF has to have some additional functions. Newman 8602 and AIGO F5003 can play background music and simple videos, and support formats such as MP3 and MPEG4. 


Tongfang MDF801 and MDF701 can not only support audio formats such as MP3and WMA, but also can play videos in formats such as MPEG1、MPEG2、MPEG4、AVI、DAT、VOB、 MPG. They are also equipped with functions such as dynamic control and bass processing to make the sound mellow and full, bright and natural. At the same time, both products can automatically play pictures in slideshow and you can set the interval time between two slides as their wish. Try to imagine, in a quiet afternoon, lying in the couch, you’re enjoying the pictures and music from the DPF on the table. What a wonderful time!


Easy to operate


Technology tends to provide people with convenience. Swift and humanized operation has become a key point for us to select a digital product. As Tongfang MDF801 and MDF701 are equipped with mini remote controllers, users can switch the picture easily by pressing the button. Philips 7FF1 with lithium power supply can work 48 minutes, while Tongfang MDF801 and MDF701, with internal polymer lithium battery, can work 100 minutes without power supply. This guarantees a constant playing of the beautiful picture for sharing of the happy moment.


What’s more, both Tongfang MDF801 and MDF701 are able to contain thousands of pictures, which is a complete release of the space of your PC. Moreover, they are equipped with USB ports and 3 in1 card readers. It’s easy to read data from a flash disc or a SD/MMC/MS card. And you don’t have to be worried about the hardware problems as they have good compatibility. Besides, as a fashionable digital product, the Jazz white of Tongfang MDF801 is showing equanimity and elegance, while the orange of MDF701 is filled with passion and enthusiasm. Along with their metallic stands, they’ll blend in the environment of your home no matter where they’re placed.




pride & joy

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