【亚运项目巡展--跆拳道】 - NOC Services的日志- 网易博客


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【亚运项目巡展--跆拳道】 - NOC Services - NOC助理大家庭



项目赛程: 2010年11月16日—11月19日






       跆拳道:(韩文:??? 英文:TAEKWONDO)早期是由中国唐手道的日本空手道流传演化而来的朝鲜/韩国民间较普遍流行的一项技击术,是一项运用手脚技术进行格斗的民族传统的体育项目。它由品势(特尔)、击破、跆拳舞三部分内容组成。跆拳道是创新与发展起来的一门独特武术,具有较高的防身自卫及强壮体魄的实用价值。它通过竞赛、品势和功力检测等运动形式,使练习者增强体质,掌握技术,并培养坚韧不拔的意志品质。

  黑带:黑带代表练习者经过长期艰苦的磨练,其技术动作与思想修为均已相当成熟。也象征跆拳道黑带不受黑暗与恐惧的影响 ITF的识别方法  道服为开襟的,一段至三段的道服衣边有黑色带条,四段以上道服裤腿两边有黑色带条,当考获国际教练资格后,道服的衣袖再有黑色带条。根据道服上的肩章和腰带上的罗马数字1(I)到9(IX)可区别段位和级别。而十三岁以下的黑带称为“Pee-Wee”,十三岁后会自动入段。 WTF的识别方法  道服为套头的,五段后可穿著衣袖有黑色带条之道袍。 腰带上绣有颜色横条以代表段位,亦有人直接绣以段位作为代表,如直接在带上绣上“五段”而不是五条横条。十五岁前考到的黑带为“品”,只能系上黑下红的腰带,十五岁后会自动入段。一开始考“品”,而在日后考高段位时可有年龄上的优惠。同时跆拳道六段以上为荣誉段位,必须对跆拳道事业有贡献的人才有资格考获。

Kickboxing  refers to the sport of kicking and punching. Kickboxing is a standing sport and does not allow continuation of the fight once a combatant has reached the ground, although certain styles of Muay Thai make exceptions to this rule.

Kickboxing is often practiced for self-defense, general fitness, or as a full-contact sport. In the full-contact sport the male boxers are bare-chested wearing shorts and protective gear including: mouth-guard, hand-wraps, 10-oz. boxing gloves, groin-guard, shin-pads, kick-boots, and optional protective helmet (usually for those under 16). The female boxers will wear a tank top and chest protection in addition to the male clothing/protective gear. In European kickboxing, where kicks to the thigh are allowed using special low-kick rules, use of boxing shorts instead of long trousers is possible.

In addition, amateur rules often allow less experienced competitors to use light or semi-contact rules, where the intention is to score points by executing successful strikes past the opponent's guard, and use of force is regulated. The equipment for semi-contact is similar to full-contact matches, usually with addition of head gear. Competitors usually dress in a t-shirt for semi-contact matches, to separate them from the bare-chested full-contact participants.

Kickboxing is often confused with Muay Thai, also known as Thai Boxing. The two sports are similar; however, in Thai Boxing, kicks below the belt are allowed, as are strikes with knees and elbows.

There are many arts labelled kickboxing including Japanese kickboxing, American kickboxing, Indian boxing, Burmese boxing, as well as French boxing. The term kickboxing is disputed and has become more associated with the Japanese and American variants. Many of the other styles do not consider themselves to be 'kickboxing', although the public often uses the term generically to refer to all these martial arts.

The term kickboxing was created by the Japanese boxing promoter Osamu Noguchi for a variant of Muay Thai and Karate that he created in the 1950s.The term was later used by the American variant. When used by the practitioners of those two styles, it usually refers to those styles specifically.

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