
离心泵以其结构简单、使用维修方便、效率较高而成为农业上应用最广泛的一种水泵,但也因有时提不上水而令人倍感烦恼。现就提不上水这一故意障的原因加以分析。 进水管和泵体内有空气 (1)有些用户在水泵启动前未灌满足够的水;有时看上去灌的水已从放气孔溢出,但未转动泵轴交空气xx排出,致使少许空气还残留在进水管或泵体中。 (2)与水泵接触的进水管的水平段逆水流方向应用0.5%以上的下降坡度,连接水泵进口的一端为{zg},不要xx水平。如果向上翘起,进水管内会存留空气,降低了水管和水泵中的真空度,影响吸水。 (3)水泵的填料因长期使用已经磨损或填料压得过松,造成大量的水从填料与泵轴轴套的间隙中喷出,其结果是外部的空气就从这些间隙进入水泵的内部,影响了提水。 (4)进水管因长期潜在水下,管壁腐蚀出现孔洞,水泵工作后水面不断下降,当这些孔洞露出水面后,空气就从孔洞进入了进水管。 (5)进水管弯管处出现裂痕,进水管与水泵连接处出现微小的间隙,都有可能使空气进入进水管。 水泵转速过低 (1)人为的因素。有相当一部分用户因原配电动机损坏,就随意配上另一台电动机带动,结果造成了流量少、扬程低甚至抽不上水的后果。 (2)传动带磨损。有许多大型离水泵采用带传,因长期使用,传动带磨损而松也,出现打滑现象,从而降低了水泵的转速。 (3)安装不当。两带轮中心距太小或两轴不太平行,传动带紧边安装到上面,致使包角太小,两带轮直径计算差错以及联轴传动的水泵两轴偏心距较大等,均会造成水泵转速的变化。 (4)水泵本身的机械故障。叶轮与泵轴紧固螺母松脱或泵轴变形弯曲,造成叶轮多移,直接与泵体摩擦,或轴承损坏,都有可能降低水泵的转速。 (5)动力机维修不录。电动机因绕组烧毁,而失磁,维修中绕组匝数、线径、接线方法的改变,或维修中故障未彻底排除因素也会使水泵转速改变。 吸程太大 有些水源较深,有些水源的外围地势较平坦处,而忽略了水泵的容许吸程,因而产生了吸水少或根本吸不上水的结果。要知道水泵吸水口处能建立的真空度是有限度的,{jd1}真空时的吸程约为10米水柱高,而 水泵不可能建立{jd1}的真空。而且真空度过大,易使泵内的水气化,对水泵工作不利。所以各离心泵都有其{zd0}容许吸程,一般在3~8.5米之间,安装水泵时切不可只图方便简单。 水流的进出水管中的阻力损失过大 有些用户经过测量,虽然蓄水池或水塔到水源水面的垂直距离还略小于水泵扬程,但还是提水量小或提不上水。 其原因常是管道太长、水管弯道多,水流在管道中阻力损失过大。其原因常是管道太长、水管弯道多,水流在管道中阻力损失过大。一般情况下90度弯管比120度弯管阻力大,每一90度弯管扬程损失约0.5~1米,每20米管道的阻力可使扬程损失约1米。此外,有部分用户还随意水泵进、出管的管径,这些对扬程也有一定的影响。 其他因素的影响 (1)底阀打不开。通常是由于水泵搁置时间太长,底阀垫圈被粘死,无垫圈的底阀可能会锈死。 (2)底阀滤器网被堵塞;或底阀潜在水中污泥层中造成滤网堵塞。 (3)叶轮磨损严重。叶轮叶片经长期使用而磨损,影响了水泵性能。 (4)闸阀或止回阀有故障或堵塞会造成流量减小甚至抽不上水。 (5)出口管道的卸漏也会影响提水量。

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Centrifugal pump with its simple structure, easy maintenance, high efficiency and become the most widely used in agriculture as a pump, but also because sometimes people mention but do not feel annoyance, Sheung Shui. Sheung Shui to mention this is not intentional barriers to analyze the reasons. Into the pipe and pump body with air (1) Some users are not filled before the start of the pump enough water; sometimes look up irrigation water from the overflow holes, but did not turn completely discharged air delivery pump, resulting in a little air still left in the inlet pipe or pump in. (2) contact with the water pump inlet of the horizontal application of reverse flow direction, fell more than 0.5% slope, connect one end of the highest import pumps, do not completely level. If the upward tilt, will be retained within the inlet air, reduce water pipes and pumps in the vacuum, impact absorbent. (3) Fill the pump has been used for long-term wear and tear or cut through the loose fill, causing large amounts of water from filling the gap with the shaft sleeve ejected, resulting in external air gap into the pump from the house, affected the water pumping. (4) into the long-term potential due to water pipe, tube corrosion holes, decreasing the water pump work, when these holes out of the water, the air entering from the inlet hole. (5) into a crack pipe bending pipe, water pipes and pumps into the tiny gap junction appears, may enter the air inlet. Pump speed too low (1) human factors. A considerable number of users because of Original motor damage, accompanied by another motor to drive freely, resulting in a flow of small, low or even no water head consequences. (2) belt wear. There are many major from the water pump with belt transmission, due to prolonged use, wear belts too loose, slipping phenomenon, which reduces the pump speed. (3) improper installation. Two pulley center distance is not too small or two axes parallel to the belt tight side installation of the above result, corners are too small, the two pulley diameter calculation errors and the associated pump drive shaft axis eccentricity of the two large, are cause pump speed changes. (4) pump their mechanical failure. Impeller and shaft deformation fastening nut loose or bent shaft, killing more than impeller shift, direct friction with the pump or bearing failure, may reduce the pump speed. (5) power machine maintenance is not recorded. Motor windings burned because, while the loss of field maintenance in the winding turns, wire, wiring methods change, or maintenance failures are not completely rule out the factors that will pump speed changes. Suction too Some deep water, some water outside the terrain relatively flat and neglect to allow the pump suction, and thus little or no absorption of the absorbent does not result in Sheung Shui. That pump water to the mouth can create a vacuum is limited, absolute vacuum suction when the water column of about 10 meters high, impossible to establish absolute vacuum pump. And vacuum through the large, easy to pump the water gasification, and damaging to the pump. So the pump has its maximum allowable suction head, generally between 3 to 8.5 meters, installation of pumps must not only of convenience when simple. Water flow in and out of the resistance to excessive loss Some users have been measured, although surface water reservoir or water tower to the vertical distance is slightly less than the pump head, but still does not mention or make a small amount of water in Sheung Shui. The reason is often too long pipe, pipe bend over, water resistance losses in the pipeline too. The reason is often too long pipe, pipe bend over, water resistance losses in the pipeline too. Generally 120 degrees 90 degrees elbow bend resistance than big, each 90-degree bend head loss of about 0.5 to 1 meter, 20 meters per channel resistance can lift loss of about 1 meter. In addition, some users pump into the casual, the pipe diameter, which on the head also has some effect. Other factors (1) end of the valve can not open. Usually due to water pump on hold too long, sticky bottom valve gasket was dead, no washer end of the valve may be rust. (2) filter mesh bottom valve is blocked;, or bottom layer of sludge water valve caused the potential to plug the filter. (3) impeller wear serious. Impeller wear after long use, affecting the Pump. (4) gate valve or check valve malfunction or blockage can cause reduced or even no water flow. (5) export pipeline will affect the mentioned discharge of water leakage.

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