禅城区陶瓷企业整治不应该在“一个搞一刀切” « oursolo.net



据了解,一共有佛山陶瓷“xxxx商标”4,为66.7占全国同行“,为国家对口单位的58.3占中国xx品牌”7,“中国陶瓷行业品牌” 28,为41%,占该国,“{gjmj}产品”50个,占了全国的42.4。目前,禅城区陶瓷企业已逐渐xx了技术含量较低的耐磨耐地砖,釉面砖等等,转向高附加值的大型仿古砖,砖。特别是在抛光砖,佛山陶瓷坚定地站在制高点的高度生产技术的大面积液晶发展投掷砖头,瓦片和其他晶,从而克服了能源和原材料价格和国际贸易,以及技术壁垒森严增加反倾销诉讼的困难,并逐步占领了国际市场。与会者



Chancheng District, ceramics enterprises remediation should not engage in “one size fits all”

Combination of municipal government the requirements of industrial restructuring, the district People’s Political Consultative Conference economy Ceramic Technology Committee recently held a meeting of headquarters of economic research for the District of ceramic enterprises way out to offer advice and suggestions.

members agreed that the area of ceramic enterprises have gradually eliminated the low technology content products, and turned to higher value-added products. Therefore, Chancheng ceramics enterprises should not “one size fits all.”

It is understood that a total of Foshan Ceramics “China Well-known Trademark” 4, accounting for 66.7 percent of the national counterparts, “Chinese famous brand” 7, accounting for 58.3 percent of national counterparts; “China’s ceramic industry brand” 28 , accounting for 41% of the country; “national inspection-free products” 50, accounting for 42.4 percent nationwide. At present, Chancheng District, ceramics enterprises have gradually eliminated the technical content of the lower wear-resistant floor tiles, glazed tiles and so on, towards higher value-added large-scale antique tiles and bricks. Especially in the production of polished tiles, Foshan ceramic stand firmly commanding height of technology, the development of large-area crystal throwing bricks, tiles and other polycrystalline, thereby overcoming the energy and raw materials prices and international trade, as well as technical barriers guarded increase in anti-dumping lawsuits difficulties, and gradually occupied the international market. Participants

After detailed discussions, think, ceramic industry, pollution is an objective, but how much should be invested into environmental protection, in saving energy, pollution emission reduction targets to give the introduced standards. Entrepreneurs should face the international markets, ongoing product innovation; of ceramic enterprises have to choose to retain, on pollution, high energy-consuming enterprises to phase out, but clean, high-end businesses to be retained. CPPCC Vice-Chairman

District林树茂pointed out that blanket off of ceramic enterprises in line with the economic law, are unrealistic. Should look out Chancheng ceramic industry, watch out ceramic enterprises. District People’s Political Consultative Conference Vice-Chairman Peter Woo, also pointed out that can not Foshan ceramics, can not be separated from Foshan ceramics, are low-end should be eliminated, leaving high-end; but also practical and realistic evaluation of ceramics, not across the board; to the ceramic industry should also be a specific direction. (07-12-3)

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