



最小起订量:1      计量单位:各种规格      产品单价:100.00      供货总量:1000

韩国GG{dj1}制造会社于1984年成立,是一家专业生产,开发,设计机床回转{dj1}的厂家,GG{dj1}是韩国大宇机床和现代汽车指定供应商之一,产品远销美国和加拿大等国家。广泛应用在汽车工业,机床制造,摩托车,模具等。其产品规格齐全,合理的性能价格比,严格的质量控制,每个产品至少经过4次测试,实行3精方针(精密,xx,精心)管理。通过韩国质量部门的“S”标准认证和ISO9001质量认证。采用高精密轴承,回转精度保证在0.002mm。具有{yx}的耐久性,{yx}的内组性和安全性。 企业的宗旨:我们以专业的设计,严格的品控,合理的价格给用户提供优质的产品和服务而自豪。 How Point is working for our valued customers As one of a leading manufacturer of high quality live and dead center we are proving the best quality at the lowest price to customers. Each Point center manufactures to achieve {bfb} customer satisfaction, and we are selling not only high quality center but also our pride to customers. Every center is tested at least 4 times to serve customer the high quality and to make perfect products. Point centers are sold through industrial distributors in the China. If you do not know how to find our centers, give us a call at 021-6255-5380 and we will provide you the name and telephone numbers of several local dealers.

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