

东阳市吴宁珑腾宠物用品厂成立于1998年,专业从事开发和生产各类EVA球,粒子球,塑料球,鸟玩具,狗玩具,猫玩具及小工艺品等。产品品种多样,规格齐全,质量上层,材料环保并持有国际安全环保认证。东阳市吴宁珑腾宠物用品厂是一般纳税人,并拥有自营进出口权。质量{dy},客户至上,让客户满意是珑腾宠物的宗旨。珑腾宠物真诚欢迎广大客商前来洽谈合作! WUNING LONGTENG PETS’S APPLIANCE FAC.,DONGYANG was established in 1998. It specializes in developing and producing all kinds of EVA Balls,Particle Balls,Plastic Balls ,Bird Toys,Dog Toys ,Cat Toys and Handicrafts . Longteng Pettoys is famous for Variety of products,Full size range ,Good quality , Green materials also hold the CE certification. As a general taxpayer ,Longteng Pettoys has Rights of self-managed import and export as well. Quality First and Putting the Reputation above Everything Else is Longteng Pettoys’ sole aim . Longteng Pettoys sincerely looking forward to cooperate with YOU !