

前言:为满足日益增长的市场需求,恒得利于2008年创建了福建鸿大革业,以更好的服务客户,提供更快,更好,更优质产品。 晋江恒得利鞋材贸易有限公司成立于1997年,公司坐落于素有全国{zd0}鞋产品、加工、贸易基地之称的“中国xx鞋都”--晋江。公司下设有广东凯大皮革贸易公司、河北三台恒得力皮革贸易公司、浙江温岭恒得利有限公司,是集鞋材生产、加工、销售贸易于一体的综合性私营企业。 公司秉承“质量{dy}、服务{dy}、诚信{dy}”的经营宗旨及“以人为本、信誉至上、品质就是生命”的经营理念,从一家小规模的陈埭鞋材小店,历经十几年风雨,不断创新、优化及改革,现今以发展成为皮革行业中的翘首,深受同行业及客户的青睐和好评。公司专业销售PU、PVC、牛巴、超纤、特殊鞋材皮革等系列合成革,产品远销亚、欧、美、及东南亚国家和全国各地,年销量达1.5亿以上,公司总址设在晋江鞋都,目前有1200平方米的营业面积,经营规模日渐扩大,拥有国际先进的检测设备,严格把守源头质量关,并引进多套先进的加工设备对各种皮革面料的印花、压花、改色,再次加工,自主开发多系列的新产品,产品规格花色齐全,以满足不同层次的客户需求,实现xxx服务。 公司将继续携全体员工坚持“以质量为服务宗旨,打造{yl}品牌”为质量方针,紧跟市场发展需要,努力完善市场机制及科学化的管理,与海内外客户携手同行,为广大客户提供更优质、便捷的服务。 Jinjiang Hengdeli Shoes Trade Co. was established in 1997, the company is located in Jinjiang, and we set up our factory-HONGDA LEATHER to match market need. Our factory specializes in the sale of PU, PVC, nubuck leather, microfiber, special shoe leather, synthetic leather and other products. They are exported to Asia, Europe, America, and Southeast Asian countries and throughout the country. Annual sales are more than 150 million. With international advanced testing equipment, strictly guarding the quality of source, and the introduction of several sets of advanced processing equipment, which can handle printing, embossing, change color, re-processing for all kinds of leather. In order to meet customer needs at different levels, the company has also developed multiple series of new products, which cover all specifications and colors, achieved coordinated-process service. Please freely contact us.