

偌华奇化妆品有限公司是韩国亚美化妆品株式会社旗下一家集研发,生产,销售为一体的化妆品公司。公司长期致力于洗护产品,洗涤产品技术的研发,专业产生中xx护发、洗涤、日用品以及市场流行的各类新型洗护、洗涤产品,陆续将有新产品投放国内外市场。并根据客户不同要求,提供高、中、低档品牌的半成品加工(OEM)及相关的代客服务(ODM)和贴标加工,制造属于您自有的品牌产品。 偌华奇以"美化您的秀发、美化您的生活!"为信念,为千千万万追求美丽的人提供服务,在进入中国大陆市场短短几年,营销网络已覆盖全国,公司热切期盼同行志仕加盟,共同美化世界。 Ruo-Hua Qi Cosmetics Co., Ltd. is South Korea's Asian American Cosmetics Co., Ltd., a research and development, production, sales as one of the cosmetics company. Long-term commitment to personal care products, cleaning products, technology research and development, professional production of high-end hair care, washing, commodity and market new types of popular personal care, cleaning products, one after another at home and abroad will have new products on the market. And according to customer requirements, providing high, medium and low semi-finished processing the brand (OEM) and related valet service (ODM) and labeling processing, manufacturing is your own brand products. Ruo-Hua Qi to "beautify your hair and beautify your life!" For the faith, the pursuit of beauty for the millions of people who provide services to enter the Chinese mainland market in just a few years, the marketing network has covered the company look of Zhi Shi Jia League counterparts hope to jointly beautify the world. 本公司还可以根据你的要求,生产各种功能和各种价格的洗发水,散装洗发水,沐浴露,洗手液,护发素,营养发膜等等。。。。厂家直销,价格{zd2},温州地区提供免费送货上门,欢迎各大宾馆,桑拿,美发用品商店和美发沙龙订购。