

本公司为世界规模{zd0}的运城制版集团材料生产、采购、供应中心。主要产品为电镀添加剂、制版印刷所使用的材料及设备备件,有进出口权。公司成立以来为制版印刷企业提高质量、降低成本做出了很大的贡献。公司拥有专业的研发人员、售后服务人员、以及国外供应公司的专家为各公司提供{yl}的服务。随着运城制版的迅速发展,我们将从全国性服务转为全球性服务,愿与广大国内外电镀耗材和制版材料生产企业联合为电镀企业及制版印刷企业提供更加优质的服务,为客户创造效益!!! Our company is owned by one of the biggest plate-making group .We specialize in producing,purchasing,supplying the plate-making materials, machines and other accessories. Electric-plating addiive is our main product. We are allowed to export and import the plate-making materials ,and we also have an excellent team which works hard to design and manufacture some useful and practical lathe and machines. We are looking forward and have the confidence to be a superior international plate-making product and service supplier.