

本厂是一家大型专业生产热弯玻璃模具的厂家,成立于1998年,位于中山市横栏镇茂辉工业区。我厂拥有先进的热弯玻璃模具制作设备(有大型的油压机、电脑锣、油压折弯机、氩弧焊机、车床、等离子切割机、线割机等机械设备)。现有专业技术人员30多名。 我厂专业生产各种规格烤弯、油压和手工工艺不锈钢模具、玻璃果盘模具,洗手盆,洗脚盆模具、灯饰热弯玻璃模具、汽车后视镜模具,餐桌(碗,筷,杯,碟)模具,各种工艺品玻璃模具(相框,烛台,花瓶)。现拥有模头2000多种,产品采用进口耐高温310S、316L、日本304等板材。产品质量全包。 我厂服务宗旨,质量{dy},顾客满意。欢迎来图来样设计制造,欢迎随时联络我们,在此,我们忠心的希望与各位新老客户携手共进,共创辉煌! We are the manufactory that is spcified in producing the moulds of bend glasses,founed since 1998 in Maohui industrial zone,Henglan town,Zhongshan city. We owe such many advanced equipments for bend glass(large-scale hydraculic machinces,computers gongs,lathes,plasma cutting machine).There are professional and technical staff more than30. My company mainly produces various specifications grilled bending,hydraulic and crafts stainless steel mould,lamp cover mould,washbasin mould and glass furniture mould. We have more than 2000 PCS moulds pattern at present. All of our products are made from adopted heat-resistant stainless steel #310S,316L,304 and quality is assured. In additional, We have professional and assembly line.Welcome all custom-made orders per provided samples or drawings!