

China mainland to Cambodia Logistics

以下为China mainland to Cambodia Logistics 详细参数信息,China mainland to Cambodia Logistics 图片由广州凯利物流有限公司提供,China mainland to Cambodia Logistics

China mainland to Cambodia Logistics
最小起订量:0      计量单位:件      产品单价:询价      供货总量:0

Quotation of China mainland to Cambodia Logistics 
1.Air express  Door to Door 1-2days,Charge USD10/KG,E-commerce Package   Charge  USD2/KG
2.Land transport Door to Door 5-8days,Charge USD140/CBM
3.Ocean  transport Door to Door12-15days,Charge USD120/CBM
4.Frozen products, meatballs Ocean  transport 12-15days,Charge USD2/KG

If you need any help , Such as inquiry or any questions , please don’t hestiate to let me know

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