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Mediterranean flavor cast iron grill for a cool summer
Specific practices:

1. Wash and dry the black-throated fish, put them in a clean container and prepare the marinade.

Take the yellow lemon and slice it lightly behind the fish. Crush or cut the garlic cloves roughly. Stuff part of the garlic cloves, lemon slices and vanilla into the fish's stomach (and mouth). The rest of the spices and vanilla will evenly distribute the leaves from the thick stem. Sprinkle salt and pepper on the fish according to preference, and then sprinkle some olives. Oil, help fish "massage" and then put in the refrigerator for about 30 minutes to make the marinade taste.

At this time, the oven will be opened at 230 C (depending on the performance of the oven at home) and preheated for about 20 minutes. Take a baking tray paper and place the salted fish on a cast iron baking tray with lemon and spices, then put them in the oven for 15 to 20 minutes (according to the size of the fish).

2. When the fish is roasted for about 5 minutes, take the cast iron baking tray and heat it for about 3-4 minutes, then gently wipe the cooking oil with a brush. Because the onion needs time to cook softly, you can put the onion on the baking tray first, and the rest can be baked one by one. It can turn over in about 2-3 minutes. Tomatoes are easy to rot. Please be careful when turning over. When the other side of the vegetable is branded with grilled grain, the pot can be set aside.

3. Roast black throat out of the oven! The color and maturity are just right!

Unlike the Asian flavor of roast fish, the fragrance is overflowing, and the vanilla flavor is integrated into the fish.

Use the spare time to remove a few pieces of purple pericardium and wash them on the plate, and put the roast vegetables and fish on the plate, slightly tear the Italian parsley into large pieces and some extra thyme, peel off some leaves and decorate the baked goods. Before eating, you can squeeze out lemon juice and drip fish to add flavor. Roasted lemon and fresh lemon have slightly different flavors. You can try it with pig iron grill pan. If you feel that the flavor is not enough, you can sprinkle pepper and rock salt as you like.

Fish is refreshing and fruitful. It tastes very pure and sweet. Tieban BBQ manufacturers suggest not having afternoon tea before dinner this weekend, watching the sunshine in the blue sky at noon, while eating roast fish with white wine, seems to be a rare luxury, a good leisure.