Central Green 4 million capital investment and Anxin County, Hebei ...

(Zhangshu Chun, Chen light) I recently learned from Anxin County Environmental Protection Agency was informed that a new County Safety Baiyangdian reed wetland sewage treatment works has passed the national examination, the central authorities will invest 4 million yuan of special funds to support environmental protection Baiyangdian sewage treatment.

Anxin County, seize the favorable opportunity to increase investment in environmental protection, actively planning Baiyangdian reed wetland sewage treatment works (North Anxin County Sewage Treatment section). The project for the county sewage treatment plant discharge water, the depth of secondary treatment and wastewater treatment company Cuigong down embankment, and has included “the Haihe River Basin Water Pollution Prevention Plan”, “Ecological Construction Baiyangdian and the upper reaches of the overall plan,” etc. and provincial and municipal environmental protection plans. Designed to use a large area in western Baiyangdian natural reed wetland sewage treatment system to reduce organic pollution in water to remove some nutrients and heavy metals. The project total investment of 7.444 million yuan, with a designed daily processing capacity of 30,000 tons. After the completion of the project can be an effective control of the new county and the surrounding businesses Baiyangdian Baiyangdian pollution, in order to supplement Baiyangdian clean water, wetlands can also be repaired to restore the ecological balance.




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