单片机解密新唐单片机W79E633解密,咨询QQ994589503 - pcbcbklsj ...
单片机解密 新唐单片机W79E633解密,咨询QQ994589503 [原创 2010-05-24 09:08:30]   


W79E633芯片解密/单片机 *** 等W79E633系列单片机解密需求者欢迎与科技联系,在芯片解密技术研究领域,科技拥有多年研究经验,依靠公司极强的技术研发团队长期以来的攻关研究,目前我们在W79E633系列等数十个单片机解密研究中均取得突破性进展,能够为国内外广大客户提供优质可靠的解密服务。

   W79E633芯片解密/单片机 *** 是橙盒科技近期成功 *** 的典型单片机之一,下面,我们就针对79E633芯片的主要特征做简单介绍,供大家进行技术理解和分析,方便客户及各类技术工程师在项目合作中进行技术沟通。

The W79E633 is a fast, 8051/52-compatible microcontroller with a redesigned processor core that eliminates wasted clock and memory cycles. Typically, the W79E633 executes instructions 1.5 to 3 times faster than that of the traditional 8051/52, depending on the type of instruction, and the overall performance is about 2.5 times better at the same crystal speed. As a result, with the fully-static CMOS design, the W79E633 can accomplish the same throughput with a lower clock speed, reducing power consumption.


The W79E633 provides 256 bytes of on-chip RAM; 1-KB of auxiliary RAM; four 8-bit, bi-directional and bit-addressable I/O ports; an additional 4-bit port P4; three 16-bit timer/counters; an UART serial port,, 2 channels of I²C with master/slave capability and 4 channels of 10-bit ADC. These peripherals are all supported by ten interrupt sources with 2 levels of priority.

The W79E633 contains a 128-KB Flash EPROM whose contents may be updated in-system by a loader program stored in an auxiliary, 4-KB Flash EPROM. Once the contents are confirmed,, it can be protected for security.

新唐(Nuvoton) 命名

新唐科技(Nuvoton Technology Corporation)的英文名:Nuvoton 是「Nuvo」与「Ton」两个字的组合。「Nuvo」在法文发音中与新(Nouveau)发音相近;「Ton」在英文发音中与唐朝的唐(Tang)发音相近,,而唐朝为中国史上最兴盛的朝代之一,唐朝在国际文化交流、经济贸易、科技创新上皆有辉煌的成就,使它成为世界的中心。新唐科技将秉持{zy1}发展之创新精神、紧密结合之客户关系,以及汇集凝聚全球人才,致力于实践新唐愿景 ——「成为产业{ldz}{jd1}需要的伙伴(An indispensable partner to industry leaders)」,同时也象征了新唐科技欲在IC产业开创全新大唐盛世的精神。

针对W79E633芯片解密/单片机 *** 等W79E633系列单片机解密,橙盒科技解密技术已经较为成熟,解密成功率高、可靠性强,解密周期短、价格低,能够为客户提供最值得信赖的技术支持。有W79E633芯片解密/单片机 *** 需求者欢迎与橙盒科技联系咨询更多解密详情

    橙盒科技W79E633芯片解密咨询电话:0755- 8222164182175584





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