高露洁佳洁士队:军阀的战斗{lx1}牙膏(1) « oursolo.net








近年来,第三阵营是中文,黑色,尼斯,云南白药,LG等“第三方阵上升。” ,广场上的外国投资,合资企业(中国品牌联合利华,高露洁专营收购棕榄公司当前两个黑色品牌市场排名第三,第四名);也有地方企业,原因将作为第三方阵列分类,因为它们是通过细分市场,差异FromEMKT.com.cn市场营销,成功开辟了发展的第三条道路。

















在市场不断扩大,三年前进入中国,痛苦的技能,同时在测试水产品的推出,集中等硬件建设的工厂,奠定了可持续发展的基础。 1999年,高露洁在中国的市场份额跃居{dy}。为加强对大众市场的能力,2003年,高露洁三笑集团收购全部股份,并在三个低端市场的影响,在中低端市场,牙膏和牙刷大规模游行的笑声。佳洁士







Crest VS Colgate: warlords battle leading toothpaste (1)

In 2000, half of China’s toothpaste market, also in the hands of the domestic brands, and the Today, Crest, Colgate, represented by foreign brands has been to occupy 2 / 3 or more market share.

of several years,易帜mountains and rivers, which are the local toothpaste brand had to face the harsh reality.

toothpaste market in the multi-force showdown, the foreign brands and the reasons for the rise? Domestic brands, and why could not a good person to share hundreds of millions of Chinese out of the mouth to the enormous wealth? Toothpaste market in the end changes to how we learn from it and enlightenment?

Part: Romance of the Three Kingdoms toothpaste market

After more than ten years of fierce competition and repeated trials of strength. Currently, China’s toothpaste market clearly distinguish between the three major camps:

the first camp are from Crest, Colgate, composed of the “foreign legion”, the Corps currently occupy about 55 percent market share, the most powerful strong.

second camp are from Zanthoxylum nitidum, cold acid Ling, pseudo-ginseng, black girls, blue six Hartridge brands, such as the local leader of the “coalition of local community.” These enterprises are traditional toothpaste enterprises, the Corps currently occupy about 25% market share.

third camp in recent years are the rise of the Chinese, black, NICE, Yunnanbaiyao, LG, etc. “third phalanx.” The square has foreign investment, joint venture (Chinese brand franchise acquisition by Unilever, Colgate-Palmolive’s black for the current two-brand market ranked third, fourth place); also have local enterprises, the reason will be classified as third-party array, because they are broken down through the market, the difference FromEMKT.com.cn marketing and successfully opened a third path of development.

Finally 10% of the market, being composed of many non-brand-name toothpaste “feudatory small country,” the divide, as the market has become more sophisticated, these non-brand-name toothpaste living space has been shrinking dramatically.

First, foreign legion: foreign two strong, unified半壁!

Crest, Colgate from these two leading toothpaste brand, since the 90’s world into China (1992 Colgate-Palmolive, Crest 1995), with strong comprehensive strength quickly to seize the China’s high-end toothpaste market, and is gradually moving towards mass market penetration. The latest data show that 24 percent market share of Crest, ranked first; Colgate 18%, followed by; In addition, Colgate’s toothpaste black 12% of the market performance of China’s toothpaste market share of more than half have done to two giant hands.

but specific marketing operation, Crest, Colgate-Palmolive (excluding blacks) not only has a lot of the same with the similarities, also form their own sharp differences between the characteristics of the development.

1, the similarities and differences between product system

the same point: both are mothproof toothpaste to the starting point for the market to become a full three-dimensional expansion of the field of oral care.

entering China, Crest and Colgate have conducted extensive market research, found the Chinese toothpaste market mothproof the most potential for growth, so their sights mothproof toothpaste. China’s toothpaste market mothproof expand the cultivation of the two brands can not be left unrecognized. Mothproof get a firm foothold in the field, the two major brands catch up, by virtue of the strong technological strength, and constantly introduce other functions of the new products, product systems, to fill market gaps and the short version.

differences points: Crest multi-point attack, not Colgate leading.

Crest, Colgate are globally recognized experts in the field of dental mothproof. Crest are the first teeth by the world anti-authority organizations - American Dental Association (ADA) recognized mothproof toothpaste, toothpaste mothproof the United States are the first brand, mothproof superior efficacy. However Colgate Crest before entering the Chinese market, Colgate Crest in the United States learn from the success of operating experience, the first in China to create their own toothpaste mothproof the professional image of authority. And invested heavily R & D covers high, medium and low in all grades, multi-category system of oral care products. In the Chinese market, Colgate has a high level of Total toothpaste, Colgate tooth Czech Cosmetology liquid such as white-selling Star Products.

time jokes, so late in a very long period of time Crest passive everywhere. In order to reverse an unfavorable situation, the Crest to take many points out of the product strategy, targeting the different needs of consumers, Crest brand in China with the successful launch of Crest fluoride formula mothproof Thai toothpaste, Crest white double-effect toothpaste containing Chinese herbs All-in-One Crest toothpaste, toothpaste, etc. Hopexxstar quite competitive products, and Colgate all-round match.

aggressive marketing strategy to enable Crest and Colgate continued to narrow the gap, and finally become the boss of the Chinese market.

2, the similarities and differences between marketing

the same point: both rely on the dissemination of the strong brand power, steady, high-end and medium-sized cities to seize the toothpaste market, pending the status of a firm after adjust the marketing strategy, 34 lines to the urban and rural penetration, to the mass market penetration of toothpaste.

“first opened higher after低走” is one of the many multinational companies in the Chinese market taken a similar marketing strategy. Due to the complexity of the Chinese system of channels, Crest, Colgate-Palmolive are to operate their own best line of 12 urban markets, the introduction of 10-20 million of high-priced toothpaste, sold to China in large cities in the first contact with the crowd of high-end foreign brands , resulting in the very beginning to shape their own professional, high-quality brand image.

Immediately after that, the two major foreign brand product system down by filling the rich with the extension of the strategy has to take off their sacred cloak. After all, as a day-to-day supplies of toothpaste, the mainstream consumer market is mainly concentrated in the low-cost. With other sectors are different, the two giants have not taken a separate new brand specifically targeted at the low-end market brand strategy, but rather a brand (Crest, Colgate) include high-end and mass market, practice shows that this kinds of strategies are feasible.

differences points: Colgate smooth development, Crest catch up. Colgate

the steady expansion in the market, three years before entering China, bitter skills, introduction of products in test water at the same time, to concentrate on hardware such as building factories, laid the foundation for sustainable development. In 1999, Colgate’s market share in China jumped to first place. To enhance their ability to mass marketing, in 2003, Colgate Sanxiao Group acquired all the shares, with laughter in three low-end market influence, the massive march of low-end market, toothpaste and toothbrushes. Crest

The biggest advantage is Procter & Gamble’s marketing ability. As a day of industry giant, Procter & Gamble in the day many areas of industry have a wealth of small and medium-sized cities and rural markets to expand the experience, in April 2007, P & G also with the Chinese Ministry of Commerce to build a network of modern logistics in rural areas, promoting “village of a thousand million rural market project” reached a memorandum of understanding on cooperation, indicating that P & G is accelerating the pace of rural markets. These are the smooth conduct of Crest channel market penetration and an important guarantee for the focus of the sinking.

At present, the Crest has been catch up, second place Colgate. In order to maintain hard-won lead, P & G Crest has been a key support products, and plans will be set up in Japan’s personal cleaning supplies to move R & D center in Beijing, direct services market in China.

3, the similarities and differences between IMC

the same point: to enter China from the first day, both very strong long-term brand communication. Both are the same emphasis on the role of public marketing through a variety of public activities, create a good corporate citizen image.

Crest, Colgate ads are familiar with the dissemination of the important role of brand building. Colgate ads each year in the world for 180 million U.S. dollars investment, and advertising in China reached 1 billion yuan. Crest late to step in China to market ads get the support and market support, are P & G’s other brands during the introduction of 2 times.

two foreign brands have long-term commitment to oral care knowledge in China’s education and outreach. Two giant has spared no effort to disseminate public action, the objective to promote the hundreds of millions of Chinese people the concept of change in oral care and nurture of the toothpaste market expansion. (07-12-3)

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